“Guangdong’s Economic Operations in Q1 2021: Implementing Xi Jinping’s Guidance & Pursuing High-Quality Development”

2023-04-26 00:38:55

On the morning of April 25th, the Finance and Economics Committee of the Provincial Party Committee held a meeting, adhering to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implementing the spirit of the Party’s 20th National Congress and the Central Economic Work Conference, and thoroughly implementing General Secretary Xi Jinping’s inspection of Guangdong’s important speech, In accordance with the spirit of the important instructions, implement the deployment and arrangement of the Provincial Party Committee’s Economic Work Conference, analyze the economic operation of our province in the first quarter, and deploy the next stage of economic work. Huang Kunming, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Director of the Provincial Party Committee Finance and Economics Committee, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. Wang Weizhong, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Governor, and Deputy Director of the Provincial Party Committee Finance and Economics Municipal Party Secretary Meng Fanli attended the meeting.

The meeting heard reports from relevant provincial units on the economic operation in the first quarter and the next work arrangement, as well as on the high-quality development of the new energy storage industry.

The meeting pointed out that since the beginning of this year, the whole province has resolutely implemented the decisions and deployments of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the Party Central Committee, and concentrated efforts to promote high-quality development. Good start. We must correctly understand the current economic situation, face up to the difficulties and challenges in economic operation, and clearly see that the fundamentals of our province’s strong economic resilience, great potential, and sufficient vitality have not changed. The effects of a series of stable growth policies will continue to appear, and the economy will continue to improve. The support has been continuously strengthened, the confidence and determination have been further strengthened, the responsibilities have been shouldered bravely, and the leaders have been bravely shouldered. With a steady pace, a progressive attitude, and practical measures, we will strive to create a new atmosphere in economic work and make more contributions to the overall situation of the country.

The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s inspection of Guangdong’s important speeches and important instructions, effectively enhance the sense of responsibility, mission, and urgency to promote high-quality development, anchor the annual goals and tasks, seize the important window period of the second quarter, and fully promote policies Increase efforts, speed up projects, and increase work efficiency, effectively promoting the overall improvement of the economy. It is necessary to firmly promote the implementation of stable growth policies and make greater efforts to be precise and effective, implement policies according to local conditions and industries, and effectively get through the “last mile” of policy implementation. At the same time, research reserves and timely launch a batch of new policy measures to effectively guide Market expectations further boost market confidence. It is necessary to do everything possible to expand domestic demand, take multiple measures to accelerate the release of consumption potential, promote continuous prosperity of contact consumption, fully activate holiday consumption, timely introduce supporting policies to promote large-scale consumption such as automobiles; actively expand effective investment, and promote major projects to form more physical workloads , Accelerate the transformation of “villages in the city”, and support private investment to participate in more projects such as infrastructure, technological innovation, “high-quality development project of hundreds of counties, thousands of towns and thousands of villages”, and ecological construction of Green Beauty Guangdong. It is necessary to stabilize the basic market of foreign trade and foreign investment, hold Canton Fair, “Guangdong Trade Global” and other exhibitions at a high level, support enterprises to stabilize orders, expand markets, and actively expand imports of bulk commodities, mid-to-high-end consumer goods, etc.; do a good job in stabilizing and expanding foreign investment, Continue to increase efforts to attract foreign investment, and accelerate the construction of major foreign investment projects. Efforts should be made to promote the improvement of industry quality and efficiency, continuously consolidate and expand the advantages of pillar industries such as electronic information and automobiles, and make forward-looking layouts for new industries such as integrated circuits, new energy, new materials, and biomedicine to seize the commanding heights of future development; Research on key core technologies, accelerate the realization of high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-reliance; do a good job in agricultural production without missing the farming season, implement the “Southern Guangdong Fertile Land” project and the revitalization of the seed industry, vigorously develop food processing, characteristic agriculture, and facility agriculture, and cultivate marine pastures throughout the industrial chain big industry. It is necessary to effectively prevent and resolve major risks in the economic field, effectively guarantee the safety of energy and electricity, and do a good job in safe production, flood prevention and typhoon prevention. It is necessary to strengthen the work of people’s livelihood security, and earnestly do a good job in employment services for key groups such as college graduates and migrant workers.

The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to strengthen the overall planning and scheduling of economic work. The Provincial Party Committee should strengthen its leadership over economic work, and the Finance and Economics Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and its office should better play a coordinating and overall role; relevant provincial units should strengthen guidance and services, strengthen policy supply and guarantee of land, finance, finance, energy and other elements, and help Localities and enterprises solve practical difficulties; all localities should take active actions and work hard to ensure the completion of various goals and tasks.

The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to enhance the sense of urgency to seize the commanding heights of the new energy storage industry, give full play to the advantages of our province’s good energy storage industry foundation, strong leading enterprises, and relatively rich reserves of scientific and technological achievements. Grasp the ground, take advantage of the momentum to promote the accelerated development of the new energy storage industry, and create a new strategic pillar industry in our province’s manufacturing industry. It is necessary to grasp the key points to break through the bottleneck, give full play to the role of the main chain enterprises, accurately attract backbone enterprises in key links such as materials and energy storage batteries, accelerate the implementation of a number of projects that are in line with the resource advantages of our province, and actively promote the research and development of technical equipment of different routes, from The “three sides” of the power supply side, the power grid side, and the power consumption side will make efforts to expand the application of scenarios, and strive to form a number of landmark achievements; make good use of a series of supporting documents, further increase the guarantee of funds, land and other elements, and try every means to expand domestic and foreign markets. Form a strong magnetic field to attract industrial resources and boost industrial development. It is necessary to better combine the effective market with the promising government, strengthen overall promotion at the provincial level, strengthen follow-up services and dispatch supervision, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of local governments, enterprises, scientific research institutions, social organizations, etc., and form a multi-party joint promotion of the development of the new energy storage industry powerful synergy.

Provincial leaders Zhang Hu, Zhang Xiaoqiang, Zhang Xin, responsible comrades of relevant units directly under the provincial government attended the meeting.

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