Guan Renjian’s Viewpoint” Is Chen Peiqi laughing or crying and “taking the right seat”? | Politics | Newtalk News

A few children are playing “Big Wind” once more! The wind is blowing, what is it blowing? One time it was “a lady who can handle politics”, and another time it was “a lady who can swear on Facebook”. All the other children were sitting still, only one child had to stand up and grab a chair, needless to say, of course, she was the “ghost”.

As a result, the child who had been a “ghost” became unhappy. He scolded other children for saying “don’t beat around the bush”, and demanded to be specific regarding “which lady is in charge of politics”. The other villagers who were watching the lively on the side were so “sit in the right seat”, and even laughed at her for “jumping out and grabbing a chair to sit”.

On July 18, 2022, “United News Network” reporter Lin Liyu reported “Chen Peiqi reappeared in frypot because of Chen Shizhong’s Facebook post: The bait is too urgent”:

“DPP North Mayoral candidate Chen Shizhong accepted an exclusive interview with senior media person Zhou Yukou today, saying that his wife is not involved in politics and does not have the habit of swearing on Facebook.

After 4 months of silence on Chen Peiqi’s Facebook, she also scolded Chen Shizhong in her Facebook post in the evening, “Please don’t sing along with the host to slander people in innuendo, please directly state which political party is involved, if the wheel-shaped co-pay scheme is the wife’s role in political affairs. performance, then please state it directly, and include it in your political opinion, saying that you will cancel it immediately following you are elected! 』

In the evening, the Internet celebrity Sichamao also posted on Facebook that Peiqi Chen was forced to post by a sentence from Chen Shizhong today… As soon as the Facebook post of Sichamao came out, it immediately attracted hundreds of netizens to leave messages in just 30 minutes. Netizens said, “Ah Zhong just put the bait down”, “No, why do you have to be so anxious to be seated? Eat bait too quickly! 』……」

Why did Chen Peiqi only cease fire for 4 months?

After Chen Peiqi’s Facebook bombardment, Chen Shizhong faced the media’s fierce questioning the next day, but responded humorously: “It is inconvenient for me to criticize other people’s wives; my own wife, I dare not criticize.”

After attending the Shuangcheng Forum the next morning, Ke Wenzhe said in an interview with the media that although Chen Peiqi is his wife, she is a doctor and a professional following all. After 30 years of marriage, she still regards Chen Peiqi as a subject. women.

Ke Wenzhe said helplessly, “Frankly, if you want to ask me, I don’t like her writing on Facebook, but I won’t bother regarding her.” But it usually works for two weeks. “However, it’s been four months this time, so thank you very much.”

In addition, Chen Peiqi also added in the message following the Facebook PO post: “Thank you son for saving the fan professional (page) for me, I have been unable to log in for a long time.” It seems to be explaining why Facebook has ceased fire in the past 4 months. s reason.

However, it seems that the villagers don’t quite believe Chen Peiqi’s explanation, because her Facebook kept posting posts before March this year. In addition to questioning the central government regarding the vaccine issue, she also repeatedly asked Ke Wenzhe who was “punished to stand” when the flag was raised on New Year’s Day. The reason, but it attracted the anger of the villagers. Just like the mask vending machine that Ke Wenzhe strongly pushed, the response was not good, so naturally he secretly called to stop.

Why is Huang Shanshan absent from the Shuangcheng Forum?

Summarizing the opinions of the villagers, most still think that Chen Peiqi’s Facebook, following the ceasefire for 4 months, suddenly became furious because of “Mrs.” Chen Shizhong, the nominee for the Taipei mayor of the Progressive Party, is definitely not a spur of the moment or a mishap, but a planned combination of attacking and besieging Wei to save Zhao.

July 19 is the last “Twin Cities Forum” held by Ko Wenzhe during his tenure, which is the abbreviation of Taipei-Shanghai Urban Forum. After Ma Ying-jeou came to power in 2008, Hao Longbin, the successor of Taipei Mayor, has held an annual forum for dialogue and exchanges between officials from Taipei and Shanghai since 2010.

The first edition of the Twin Cities Forum was held at the Regent Taipei. After that, each forum was held in turn by Taipei and Shanghai. The two sides will send an exchange delegation led by first-level executive heads to attend the meeting. However, due to the Wuhan pneumonia epidemic in 2020, three consecutive sessions were changed to video conferences. Not only is the scale smaller, but the agenda is also getting shorter.

At the beginning of this year, due to the increasing number of Chinese military planes intruding into the Southwest Air Defense Identification Zone of Taiwan, which caused a tense military confrontation, when the Taipei City Council reviewed the budget in January, in response to the budget related to the “Twin Cities Forum” held between Taipei City and Shanghai, the A cross-party resolution was passed, and this budget will not be used as long as the two-city forum continues to disrupt Taiwan.

However, Mayor Ke Wenzhe retorted the city council and asked the MAC to first identify what is meant by “disturbing Taiwan”? He insisted on holding the Twin Cities Forum in the last year of his term. It is not surprising to the villagers that Ke Wenzhe has to be more stubborn than the Kuomintang. But it is obvious that Ke Wenzhe’s licking will definitely drag down Huang Shanshan’s election, and it will cause all the chickens of the People’s Party to be crushed to death by hens in the general election at the end of the year.

The trend of public opinion is obvious. Even Jiang Wanan, nominated by the Kuomintang, raised the decibel because he was worried regarding the decline in support. He emphasized that “the premise of holding the Twin Cities Forum is to share the machine without disturbing the Taiwan”, and even proposed “uphold the sovereignty of the Republic of China, recognize clearly. The political premise of the fact of partition.

Ke Wenzhe had no choice but to “cover his ears and steal the bell”, let Deputy Mayor Huang Shanshan absent from the Shuangcheng Forum, and moved the forum to be held from August to July 19, so as not to affect the election of the People’s Party.

Can Peiqi Chen still smile and “take a seat”?

In the 2018 elections for the heads of the six capitals and the county mayors, China’s spokesperson in Taiwan, Wang Wangzhong, boasted that Han Kuo Yu had reached the point of creating a god. But for Taipei’s Kuomintang nominee Ding Shouzhong, he has always been indifferent. China wants to promote reunification, Ding Shouzhong’s reunification composition is definitely higher than Ke Wenzhe, but why is China’s spokesperson Wang Wangzhong so supportive of Ke?

In fact, the reason is not difficult to understand. Although the DPP nominated Yao Wenzhi in 2018, there are still many people in the green camp who are secretly helping, and even helping Ke Wenzhe.

On the other hand, China also fully supports Ke Wenzhe through Wangzhong, because the principle of Ke Wenzhe’s nomination in Taiwan is “not seeking to be elected, only hoping to bring down the nominee of the DPP”. There is no better way to weaken the DPP than to fund Ke Wenzhe.

But the situation in 2022 is different from four years ago. Today, Ko Wenzhe’s People’s Party, no matter what he thinks in his heart, the fact is that it can only divide the votes of the Kuomintang. On the contrary, for the DPP, Ke Wenzhe’s “backbone” in recent years has instead helped to promote the unity of green camp voters.

The current situation is that Ke Wenzhe can’t offend China, so even if the computer has been disturbing, he still insists on holding the Shuangcheng Forum. However, for the election, Huang Shanshan had to avoid the Shuangcheng Forum.

Faced with such an embarrassing situation, Peiqi Chen used the topic of “Mrs. in politics” and attacked Chen Shizhong to grab the page. Such a “soft landing” might divert the media’s attention from the cross-strait forum and Huang Shanshan. This time, Peiqi Chen was of course “taking the right seat” with a smile, because in fact, the tactical goal of besieging Wei and saving Zhao was achieved.

However, when Ke Wenzhe can no longer divide the votes of the green camp, but can only go back and divide the votes of the blue camp, will China secretly help him? Will Wang Zhong still help him? Can Peiqi Chen still smile and “take a seat”? She and Ke Wenzhe laughed and cried!

A few children are playing “Big Wind” once more! The wind is blowing, what is it blowing? One time it was “a lady who can handle politics”, and another time it was “a lady who can swear on Facebook”. All the other children were sitting still, only one child had to stand up and grab a chair, needless to say, of course, she was the “ghost”. As a result, the child who had been a “ghost” became unhappy. He scolded other children for saying “don’t beat around the bush”, and demanded to be specific regarding “which lady is in charge of politics”. The other villagers who were watching the lively on the side were so “sit in the right seat”, and even laughed at her for “jumping out and grabbing a chair to sit”.

Summarizing the opinions of the villagers, most still think that Chen Peiqi’s Facebook, following the ceasefire for 4 months, suddenly became furious because of “Mrs.” Chen Shizhong, the nominee for the Taipei mayor of the Progressive Party, is definitely not a spur of the moment or a mishap, but a planned combination of attacking and besieging Wei to save Zhao.



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