Guaco’s New Members: Meet Fran Rojas and Ángel Delgado, the Latest Additions to the Venezuelan Superband

2023-08-06 13:49:45

Shows.- The ‘Superband’ of Venezuela Guaco already has new members after the departure of two of its members, Diego Rojas and Mark Meléndez.

Gustavo Aguado, leader of the group, revealed that Fran Rojas and Ángel Delgado are the new members of one of the most important gangs in the country.

The new members will have the task of interpreting the hits of this Venezuelan musical group with a long history and making everyone who listens to their songs dance, especially in upcoming concerts.

It is worth remembering that in April Diego Rojas announced his retirement from Guaco, and two days later Mark Meléndez did, which caused rumors about possible replacements for the artists.

The Regional of Zulia / Notitarde.

#Guaco #members #departure #members

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