GTA 6: leaked compilation of the game reveals that NPCs will have advanced artificial intelligence

2023-11-06 08:06:00

The menu called AI DEBUG confirms the following features in GTA 6:

ProceduralMotion: a dynamic animation system; EmotionalLocoRequests: an emotions system that will allow NPCs to demonstrate facial emotions, the locomotion system and more.

The leak also indicates that the game’s animals will have an advanced artificial intelligence system called AnimalIntelligence, which will allow them to behave more realistically compared to what was seen in GTA V.

On the other hand, human NPCs will have the AIMemory system, which will make them extremely intelligent and remember decisions made by the player, influencing the story.

Additionally, the debug menu also indicates that NPCs will be able to smell the player, which is unexpected, but could make sense depending on the context of the game’s story.

The development menu also mentions that GTA 6 will have a new faction system, which may be similar to that found in GTA San Andreas, but improved.

Finally, it is mentioned that the game will have dynamic environments that change according to the player’s actions and story progression.

According to leaks, GTA 6 should be announced in March 2025.

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