Gruber Brabant entrepreneurs are accused of committing real estate scams in Venezuela

The portal revealed a new multi-million dollar scam like the one carried out by Juan Antonio Gruber Brabant, Gabriella Lisette Gruber Brabant, Daniella Margarita Gruber Brabant and Juan Andres Gruber Soto, who make up the mega gang “Los Gruberitos”, a construction mafia, which according to documents and audiovisual material; more than 520 families have been affected by their real estate scams perpetrated by this mega-gang.

One of the reported cases specified that “Los Gruberitos”, through the company Sendero Hatillano CA, sold square meters of construction at a premium price, in addition, they offered to finish one of their works in 2017; they obtained the certificate of habitability by paying bribes in 2018 without having finished the work and currently the construction is without services.

According to documents and audiovisual material; more than 520 families have been affected by real estate scams perpetrated by this mega-gang

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