Larisa Dolina is proud of her talented heirs.
Larisa’s daughter valley Angelina Mionchinskaya inherited her mother’s talent. Possessing a good voice and hearing, she repeatedly demonstrated her skills as a child in various shows.
In addition, with Angelina the father of Yulia Nachalova was the composer Viktor Nachalov. However, in adult life, Mionchinskaya abandoned the idea of performing on stage, having received a law degree and going into the construction business. At the moment, she prefers to help her famous parent in her creative work.
Nevertheless, in the Larisa family valley there is someone to continue her path. Her 10-year-old granddaughter Sasha Dolina is also not deprived of talent, the girl has a hearing and has a velvety voice. The famous grandmother is proud of her grown relative.
The day before, Sasha took a serious step in mastering the domestic show business by performing with Larisa Dolina in the Kremlin Palace. Both singers put on sparkling dresses and delighted the audience with the song “Three White Horses” from the Soviet TV movie “Magicians”.
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