Growing role of clean energy in securing China’s energy supply

Par :| Key words : china-economy-clean-energy| Updated on 23-01-2023

Wind and solar are playing an increasing role in securing China’s energy supply, thanks to their continued expansion in scale.

In 2022, the newly installed capacity of wind and solar energy exceeded 120 million kW, for a cumulative installed capacity of more than 700 million kW at the end of last year, according to data from the National Administration. energy (ANE).

Wind and solar accounted for 78 percent of newly installed capacity in the country last year, becoming two major energy sources in China.

In 2022, energy production from newly installed wind and solar capacity accounted for more than 55% of the country’s new electricity production.

Solar energy has made a notable contribution to stable energy supply in major solar-producing provinces such as Jiangsu and Zhejiang in eastern China during peak energy consumption in summer. last, noted the ANE.

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