Growing dissatisfaction with their own four walls: almost one in six Austrians wants to relocate

2024-02-29 07:56:38

Nuremberg/Vienna (ots) – The current study “Living and Living” by shows:

16 percent of Austrians are so dissatisfied with their apartment or house that they want to move. Biggest disruptive factor: 22 percent of Austrians find the additional costs to be too high. Tenants are more dissatisfied than owners: a good one in five tenants is planning to change apartments, whereas only one in 10 is. owner

In the past two years, the costs for heating, hot water and electricity have risen significantly. High energy prices are one reason why more and more people are dissatisfied with their own four walls. Almost one in six Austrians (16 percent) even plans to give up their own apartment or house, as the current study “Living and Living” by shows. 10 percent of those surveyed want to relocate or at least renovate in the medium term. 5 percent are already looking intensively for a new place to live, but can’t find anything suitable in their price range. However, 1 percent of those surveyed have already found a new apartment or house. After all, 36 percent of those surveyed are extremely satisfied with their home and don’t want to change anything. Almost half (48 percent) are only bothered by a few small things.

Dissatisfaction has increased noticeably over the past few years. In a similar survey in 2019, only one in eight Austrians made moving plans:

Dissatisfaction factor number 1: additional costs

The biggest disruptive factor today, as then, is the amount of additional costs. A total of 22 percent of those surveyed said that they were dissatisfied with the high expenses for heating, water, etc. The expensive additional costs are often the result of poor energy efficiency of the building – the heating is outdated or the windows are poorly insulated. 11 percent therefore complain regarding the energy standard of their own home – third place among the biggest disruptive factors. The high rental costs or, for owners, the monthly loan costs due to the high purchase prices (13 percent) are an even greater burden.

But it’s not just financial aspects that bother Austrians at home. One in 10 respondents has something to complain regarding in the neighborhood. 9 percent are annoyed by street noise from passing cars or trains. 8 percent of Austrians have something to complain regarding in their apartment: either it is too small or the furnishings are not good enough.

Tenants significantly more dissatisfied

In general, tenants are more often dissatisfied than owners. Ultimately, they also have much less scope to realize individual wishes in their own home. A good 1 in 5 tenants (22 percent) are thinking regarding moving, while only 1 in 10 (11 percent) of owners are thinking regarding moving. The biggest problem for both groups is the amount of additional costs. 27 percent of tenants and 17 percent of owners are bothered by this. While tenants generally have no say in energy-efficient renovations, owners are put off by the high costs. The problem of high heating and electricity costs is often not that easy to solve, which is why many people even consider moving.

The results of the study at a glance:

How satisfied are you with your current apartment?

(Very) Satisfied, I don’t want to change anything: 36 percent A few things bother me, but overall I’m satisfied: 48 percent A few things bother me, I’ll definitely move or renovate in the medium term: 10 percent I want to get out, but I can’t find anything better in mine Price range: 5 percent I want to get out and already have a new apartment in mind: 1 percent

How satisfied are you with the following aspects of your apartment?

Share (somewhat) dissatisfied with

Amount of additional costs: 22 percent Rent/purchase price: 13 percent Energy standard: 11 percent Neighborhood: 10 percent Noise from streets, tracks, industry nearby: 9 percent Environment (availability of public transport, accessibility of shops, doctors, etc.): 8 percent Equipment (tiles, floors, etc.): 8 percent Apartment size: 8 percent Location (e.g. inner city, etc.): 3 percent

Detailed result graphics are available for download here:

The representative study “Living and Living” was carried out by in November 2023 and included 502 respondents aged 18 and over throughout Austria.

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About immowelt:

The real estate portal is one of the leading online marketplaces for rental and purchase properties in Austria. The platform has been successfully bringing owners, real estate professionals and searchers together for over 10 years. The immowelt mission is to digitize all steps of the real estate transaction in the future in order to make it as uncomplicated and easy as possible for everyone involved. With data-supported services, immowelt supports the uncomplicated search for a rental apartment, the effective marketing of a property and tailor-made financing of your own four walls. Thanks to decades of experience and broad real estate know-how, immowelt creates the perfect success experience for tenants and landlords, real estate professionals, property owners and buyers. is operated by AVIV Germany GmbH, which is part of the AVIV Group, one of the largest digital real estate tech companies in the world.

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+49 911 520 25-808

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#Growing #dissatisfaction #walls #Austrians #relocate



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