Group therapy, the official trailer of the film [HD] –

Ladies and gentlemen, gather ‘round, gather ‘round! You might want to get comfortable because we’re diving into the wonderfully chaotic world of “Group Therapy” – yes, the film, not the session you accidentally booked because you thought it was a yoga class! Always double-check the schedule, folks.

Directed by Paolo Costella – a name that’s probably wrong to pronounce at dinner parties, but let’s not digress – this film features a star-studded cast including the likes of Margherita Buy, Claudio Santamaria, and the ever-enthusiastic Claudio Bisio. I mean, with a lineup like that, the movie’s bound to be as spectacular as your aunt’s holiday roast… or just as awkward!

Picture this: a gaggle of obsessive-compulsive disorder patients stumble into the same therapy session, all completely unaware that they’ve inadvertently booked the group discount. It’s like a bad sitcom pilot mixed with an episode of “This Is Your Life," but less melodramatic and more preposterously funny. You know the kind of comedy where the hilarity of the situation leads you to question your own sanity—much like when you see 19th-century painting reproductions in the waiting room?

While they wait for their illustrious therapist—who, let’s be honest, is probably dodging traffic coming back from a wild conference in Berlin—these obsessive souls are left to sort out their tangled lives together. It’s like a therapy version of “Survivor,” but instead of hidden immunity idols, they’re armed with just their neuroses and a bizarre need to find the right amount of hand sanitizer.

Remember, managing your symptoms is no walk in the park; it’s more like a trek through a dense forest while avoiding existential crises around every corner! But here’s the kicker, instead of fracturing under the pressure, these characters form an unexpectedly tight-knit group. You’ve got patients, traumas, and a lot of self-discovery going on — it’s practically a recipe for a heartfelt mess, with a splash of laughter on top, like a dollop of cream on your morning coffee!

So, if you enjoy plots where personal growth looks like trying to not freak out over someone else’s unchecked quirks—while discovering your own headspaces—this film is right up your alley. Think of it as the ultimate potluck dinner, but instead of bringing that salad no one wants, they’re bringing their deep-rooted issues!

Mark your calendars for Thursday, November 21st! And make sure to grab your tickets—preferably not from a box office that’s closed for renovations. After all, therapy is best enjoyed with friends, but only if those friends don’t wear too much cologne or have a strong inclination towardshare-market discussions.

So let’s make a toast—to group therapy: where sharing isn’t just caring; it’s also a little bit chaotic, sharp, and well, delightfully entertaining! Cheers and see you at the films—if you can find a cinema that isn’t in a state of disarray like… well, like most of our lives!

Group therapy, the official trailer of the film [HD] –

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    Directed by Paolo Costella. A film with Margherita Buy, Claudio Santamaria, Claudio Bisio, Valentina Lodovini, Leo Gassmann. From Thursday 21 November at the cinema.

    Tuesday 15 October 2024 – Trailer

    A group of patients suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder mistakenly receive an appointment at the same time in the office of a psychotherapy luminary and thus find themselves sharing the same room while awaiting the arrival of the doctor who, however, returning from a conference in Berlin, it’s very late. As each of them enters the study, the disorders from which they are affected and which complicate their social and emotional life become clear; Learning to control symptoms is a very complex issue for everyone. Forced to form a group, patients will have to be able not only to deal with their own personal traumas, but also to get along and establish a relationship of mutual trust, giving life to an exhilarating self-managed group therapy.

    The movie A group therapydirected by Paolo Costella, is distributed by Warner Bros Italia. Release scheduled for Thursday 21 November.





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