Groundbreaking Therapy Slows Cancer Tumor Growth: A Breakthrough Using MicroARN

2023-09-09 06:00:03

Researchers have just developed a brand new therapy capable of drastically slowing the growth of cancerous tumors. The method consists of making cancer cells absorb a very specific RNA fragment, which has the particularity of blocking the division cellular. A new therapy once morest cancer uses microARN to slow or stop the division of cancer cells.
Photo provided by Second Bay Studios

To date, cancers are treated by various methods, which nevertheless still have too little effectiveness or which are associated with significant side effects. The community scientist continues to carry out research to fight once morest this scourge. And the news in the field is rich! We shared with you a few days ago in This item major news revealing a technique consisting of treating almost all cancers via the elimination of targeted chromosomes. Today is the result of a completely different research but just as encouraging, which we present to you.

The particularity of cancer cells lies in their ability to divide in a completely uncontrolled manner and evade the immune system. Researchers from Purdue University (United States) have just published the results of their work in the journal Oncogene, aiming to combat precisely this specificity. As part of their research, they tested a brand new therapy on mouse, consisting of administering a modified version of microRNA-34a into cancer cells. This moleculepresent in abundance in healthy cells and almost absent from cancer cells, has the particularity of slowing down or even stopping completely cell division.

The results of the rodent tests were astonishing: tumors treated with this therapy did not increase in size in the 21-day monitoring period following administration of the molecule, whereas untreated tumors did. tripled in volume over the same period! A healing completeness might thus be observed in certain animals. In addition to this demonstrated effectiveness, the molecule also made it possible to suppress for 120 hoursl’activity of several genes that are known to cause cancer and also promote resistance to other cancer therapies. These are the AXL, CD44 and MET genes.

The results of this research are the fruit of 15 years of work on the effectiveness of microRNAs once morest cancer. Researchers are confident regarding the long-term use of this method, which, combined with existing treatments, might succeed in defeating cancers that have developed resistance to drugs. The next step will consist of expanding the tests, and carrying out studies of toxicity see you large scale.

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