Grosseto, what music: the Vivace Youth Orchestra at San Rocco Classica with Beethoven and Mozart

August 28, 2024, 1:58 PM

The “Vivace” ​​Youth Orchestra at San Rocco Classica takes on Beethoven and Mozart in front of the Maremma summer audience.

The San Rocco Classica review of the San Rocco Festival in Marina di Grosseto becomes Thursday 29th August at 9.15pm con the performance of the Youth Orchestra “Vivace” ​​conducted by Massimo Merone. The Youth formation of the “Città di Grosseto” Symphony Orchestra will perform at the Fortress of San Rocco performing the Overture of the “Marriage of Figaro” by Mozart and Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony.

Tickets are on pre-sale on the online platform VivaTicket and will also be available for purchase at the concert (infoline: 333 5372994; information also on

Max Meroneconductor, choir director and violinist, completed his violin studies at the “Cherubini” Conservatory in Florence and perfected his skills at the Fiesole School of Music, the Chigiana Music Academy in Siena and the International School of Music of the Trio di Trieste. He obtained with top marks and honors the second level diploma in baroque violin at the “Maderna” Conservatory in Cesena, the diploma for choir directors at the International School for Choir Directors of the “Guido d’Arezzo” Foundation and the title of Orchestra Conducting at the “Cherubini” Conservatory in Florence. He conducts various symphonic groups such as the Sanremo Symphony Orchestra, the “Città di Grosseto” Orchestra – with its youth group “Vivace” ​​– and the “Florence Symphonietta”.

Livelythe youth formation of the “Città di Grosseto” Symphony Orchestra, was established on February 27, 2018 thanks to the contribution of a group of founding members: in addition to the Città di Grosseto Symphony Orchestra, they are the Municipality of Grosseto, the Grosseto Culture Foundation, the Le Mura Institution, the Polo “Bianciardi” music high school, the Berliri Zoppi Rotary Foundation, the Grosseto Rotary Club, the Fiorilli Foundation and Banca Tema. Young musicians between the ages of 16 and 26 can participate in the selections to compose the youth formation.



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