Gross Plots: Deadline ends 2024-07-18 18:16:55

The statistic (s.s. which shows that more than half of the debtors have already filed statements) was announced today, from Thessaloniki, by the Minister of Digital Governance, Dimitris Papastergiou, speaking at a conference organized by the Association of Information Technology Businesses of Greece (SETPE).

“Although this year is clearly a year with many fires, we will do much better and we will do much better because there is organization, there is coordination and each of us knows what we are doing – what the ministry and the Region are doing, what the municipalities are doing, one thing which in the past was rather uncharted and vast and now there is cooperation of all these bodies. Things are obviously getting better. There are fires, but they end and end quickly, because now there is coordination. And there is also something, which the truth is that initially put the citizens in a difficult position, but on the other hand there is now an awareness, and I am talking regarding a platform of gross plots, in which we participated in its technical part. We see how technology, offering a completely simple solution, which is to enter a platform and declare that we have cleared our plot, has brought us to a completely new reality. I imagine you all see it in your areas, that this year, on the occasion of this initiative, legislation and platform, more plots of land were cleared than ever before, because following all they also play their role (in fire prevention)” pointed out Mr. Papastergiou.

It is recalled that approximately one million owners in total are estimated to have to submit a declaration that they have cleared plots of land and open spaces in areas within settlements and outside the plan with a building.

Gross Plots: Deadline Ends – Step by Step Declaration Process

Citizens have until July 15 to submit a declaration on the gross plots and avoid fines of 1,000 euros. The process is not always simple and is done through the platform.

Who are obliged to make declarations and for which properties

Users of the digital declaration application are:

a) natural persons owners, usufructuary, lessees, sub-lessees of land and other uncovered areas, located:

i) in areas within approved landscaping plans, ii) in areas within the boundaries of settlements without an approved landscaping plan, iii) in areas within a radius of one hundred (100) meters from the boundaries of cases a) and b), following informing the competent forestry service, and iv) outside the plan of plots with buildings, for the lands that are not subject to the provisions of the forestry legislation, according to the forest map of the area and following informing the competent forestry service.

Gross plots: How to submit declarations

Those liable to submit the declaration will need to fill in their personal Taxisnet access codes and the National Land Registry Code (KAEK) of the plot or the coordinates of the plot, if the plot is located in an area where the Land Registry is not in operation (i.e. cadastral registration is in progress or pending).

Specifically, in order to enter a plot cleaning declaration, the interested party must select the “Submit Declaration” field.

The debtor must choose if he is a) owner or b) usufructuary / lessee / sublessee, while in the property selection field, if the plot has a CAEK that is suspended, then the CAEK must be entered and the “Search” button must be selected.

To find the KAEK, those interested can connect to the digital service of the Hellenic Land Registry. If the KAEK is valid, the digital service will automatically fill in the details of the plot. Otherwise, if the plot is located in an area where the Land Registry is not in operation (ie the land registration is in progress or pending), then the interested party selects Coordinates (EGSA’87 template).

If the plot is located in an area where the Land Registry is not in operation (i.e. the land registration is in progress or pending), interested parties can enter the coordinates, X and Y (EGSA’87 standard) of a point according to the instructions provided on the website and then press “Search”. In the “Entering Coordinates – Message” field, the following message will appear: “The coordinates you entered belong to a plot of land that has not yet been registered in the Greek Land Registry.”

This message is simply informative and means that the remaining details of the plot (Province, Municipality, etc.) cannot be filled in automatically by the Greek Land Registry and must therefore be filled in by the debtor.

In the “Insert Coordinates and plot data” field, if the cleaning declaration concerns the entire plot, then in the “Declaration concerns” field, select the Whole plot. Otherwise, you select Vertical Properties where you should enter your vertical properties.

In the next step, Declarant Details, the details of the interested party are filled in automatically. In case some of the data are missing, he can enter them himself.

In the third step, the obligee declares the fire safety actions he has carried out. He should complete all fire safety actions by selecting YES or NO/NOT REQUIRED. Also, he should consent to the text “I hereby declare that I have done ….” as the submission takes the place of a responsible declaration.

Finally, he should select “Submit” in order to get a successful submission screen with the statement code.

Simultaneously with the successful submission, the declaration, following receiving an electronic stamp from the services of the Ministry of Digital Governance, is sent to the citizen’s inbox. Only one declaration per plot is allowed each year.

It is reminded that the cleaning process includes the felling and removal of dry and broken trees and branches, as well as branches that are in direct contact with buildings, the thinning of brushy vegetation and the transport of cleaning residues and flammable materials.

Controls by the Municipalities

With on-site checks, the Municipalities will identify the gross plots and then through the digital platform they will be able to cross check if the citizens have submitted a declaration of cleaning and inform them of their obligation to proceed with work.

In addition, the platform will enable anyone interested to monitor whether the rules for cleaning uncovered areas are being followed.

Owners are required by the provisions in force to cut branches that protrude into the road or rural network, making it difficult for fire engines, ambulances, garbage trucks and any other vehicle to pass.

In case of non-compliance, all the actions provided for by the current legislation will be taken with the imposition of fines, as well as the charging of cleaning costs in any cases where this is done by the cooperation of each municipality.

In case of a false statement, citizens will be faced with stiff fines which will start from 1,000 euros, while in some cases they may reach 54,000 euros.

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#Gross #Plots #Deadline #ends



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