Grocery Prices Set to Surge: 60 Essential Items Facing Price Increases

Product categories for which it is provided announcement of price increases by supermarkets whose total annual turnover exceeds 90,000,000 euros provides for a ministerial decision signed by the Minister of Development Kostas Skrekas. It describes the process of sending them to the Ministry of Development.

Supermarkets: When will the signs on the shelves for the products with a reduced price

Announcements of any price increase in products necessary for decent living or products in high demand will are sent to the Ministry of Development every Tuesday, until 15:00.

In the event that the debtor conceals, falsifies or does not provide the information, a fine of 50,000 euros is imposed by the Interagency Market Control Unit (D.I.M.E.A.).

Product categories

  • Rice
  • Bread for toast
  • Bread loaf
  • Toasts
  • Spaghetti type macaroni
  • Flour
  • Legumes
  • Paris
  • Turkey (sausage)
  • Frozen fish
  • Fresh pork
  • Fresh chicken and chicken parts
  • Fresh beef
  • Fresh whole milk
  • Fresh milk with low fat
  • Highly pasteurized (long life) whole milk
  • Highly pasteurized milk (long life) with low fat
  • Evaporated milk
  • Unflavored cow’s milk yogurt
  • Unflavored low-fat cow’s milk yogurt
  • Cheese slice
  • White cheese
  • Gouda cheese
  • Low-fat cheese
  • Preserved tomato juice
  • Eggs
  • Margarines
  • Butter
  • Olive oil
  • Sunflower oil
  • Frozen vegetables
  • White sugar
  • Sweeteners suitable for diabetics (eg stevia)
  • Oat products
  • Baby cream
  • Infant milk
  • Greek coffee
  • Instant coffee
  • French coffee
  • Orange juice
  • Soft drinks
  • Beer
  • Water
  • 43 Chocolates
  • Fuels (firewood, pellets, briquettes)
  • Laundry detergents (liquid and powder – not tablets)
  • Detergents for mopping and cleaning surfaces – bleaches
  • Dish detergents for hand washing
  • Kitchen paper
  • Toilet paper
  • Toothpastes
  • Sanitary napkins or tampons
  • Shampoo
  • Soaps in solid state
  • Incontinence diapers
  • Diapers for babies
  • Baby wipes
  • Baby shampoo
  • Food for dogs
  • Cat food

The Ministerial Decision also defines the categories of fruit and vegetable products for which the announcement of retail sales prices is foreseen in the Ministry of Development

The announcements of the indicative retail sales prices of fruit and vegetable products will be sent every Tuesday, at 09:00 through the digital platform

#products #announced #price #increases #supermarkets

What⁤ are ‌the key requirements for supermarkets regarding price ​increases under‍ the ‍new Greek ⁤regulation? ​

Government Regulation on Price Increases: What Supermarkets Need ‌to Know

In⁣ a move to promote‍ transparency ‌and fair competition in the market, the Greek government has introduced a new ‌regulation requiring ⁢supermarkets with an annual turnover exceeding 90 million euros to announce any price increases for certain essential products. This decision, signed by the Minister of Development,⁢ Kostas‍ Skrekas, aims to ⁣protect consumers from arbitrary price hikes and ensure that they are informed about any‍ changes in the prices⁣ of essential‌ goods.

Product Categories Affected

The regulation applies to a range of essential products that are necessary for ⁢decent living or are in⁣ high demand.​ These products include:





Meat⁣ and poultry products

Dairy ⁤products



Canned goods


Personal care products

Household ⁤cleaning⁣ products


How the Regulation Works

Supermarkets with an annual turnover exceeding 90 million euros‌ are required to send a ‌notification to the Ministry of Development every Tuesday, until ​15:00, whenever they plan to ⁣increase the ⁣prices of the above-mentioned⁤ products. This notification must include details about the old and new prices, as well as the effective date of the price increase.

Penalties for‍ Non-Compliance

In the event that​ a supermarket fails to ​provide the required notification, falsifies information, or conceals the notification, they will be subject to a fine of ⁢50,000​ euros. The Interagency‍ Market Control Unit (D.I.M.E.A.) will be‌ responsible for imposing and collecting these fines.

Benefits for Consumers

This regulation is expected to‌ benefit consumers in several‌ ways. Firstly, it will promote‍ transparency in pricing, enabling consumers to make informed decisions about their purchases. Secondly, it will prevent arbitrary‍ price hikes, which⁢ can have a ‌significant ​impact on low-income ‌households. it will encourage supermarkets to compete fairly, which⁤ can lead ‍to ‍better prices and services for‌ consumers.

Implementation ​Timeline

The regulation is effective immediately, and supermarkets are ⁢expected to comply with the notification requirements from now on. The Ministry of Development will closely monitor the implementation of this regulation ‌and take action against​ any supermarkets that fail to comply.


The Greek government’s decision to regulate price​ increases for essential products ⁢is a welcome move that will benefit consumers and promote fair ‍competition in the market. Supermarkets⁢ with an annual turnover exceeding 90 ⁣million euros must comply with the notification requirements, ⁢and failure to ⁤do so will⁣ result‌ in penalties. As consumers, we can expect‌ greater transparency and fairness in the prices of essential⁤ goods, which will have a positive impact on‌ our daily lives.

Keyword Tags: Greek government, supermarkets, ‌price increases, regulation, consumer protection, transparency, fairness, competition, Ministry⁣ of Development, Kostas Skrekas, Interagency Market Control Unit.

Meta‍ Description: Learn about the new government regulation requiring supermarkets with an ⁤annual turnover exceeding ‍90 million euros to announce price increases for essential products. Understand⁤ the product ‌categories affected, the notification process, and the penalties for non-compliance.

Header Tags:

H1: Government Regulation on Price​ Increases:⁣ What‌ Supermarkets Need to Know

H2:‌ Product Categories Affected

H2: How the Regulation Works

⁣H2: Penalties for Non-Compliance

H2: Benefits⁢ for Consumers

H2: Implementation Timeline

H2: Conclusion

– What are the potential consequences for supermarkets that fail to comply with the new price increase announcement regulations in Greece?

Product Categories and Price Increase Announcements: What Supermarkets Need to Know

In a bid to regulate price increases and promote transparency in the retail sector, the Greek government has introduced a new regulation requiring supermarkets with an annual turnover exceeding €90 million to announce price increases for certain product categories. This article delves into the key requirements and product categories affected by this regulation.

What are the key requirements for supermarkets regarding price increases under the new Greek regulation?

As per the Ministerial Decision signed by the Minister of Development, Kostas Skrekas, supermarkets with an annual turnover exceeding €90 million must announce any price increase for products necessary for decent living or in high demand to the Ministry of Development every Tuesday, until 15:00. Failure to comply with this regulation or providing false information may result in a fine of €50,000 imposed by the Interagency Market Control Unit (D.I.M.E.A.).

Product Categories

The following product categories are affected by this regulation:

  1. Rice
  2. Bread for toast
  3. Bread loaf
  4. Toasts
  5. Spaghetti type macaroni
  6. Flour
  7. Legumes
  8. Paris
  9. Turkey (sausage)
  10. Frozen fish
  11. Fresh pork
  12. Fresh chicken and chicken parts
  13. Fresh beef
  14. Fresh whole milk
  15. Fresh milk with low fat
  16. Highly pasteurized (long life) whole milk
  17. Highly pasteurized milk (long life) with low fat
  18. Evaporated milk
  19. Unflavored cow’s milk yogurt
  20. Unflavored low-fat cow’s milk yogurt
  21. Cheese slice
  22. White cheese
  23. Gouda cheese
  24. Low-fat cheese
  25. Preserved tomato juice
  26. Eggs
  27. Margarines
  28. Butter
  29. Olive oil
  30. Sunflower oil
  31. Frozen vegetables
  32. White sugar
  33. Sweeteners suitable for diabetics (e.g., stevia)
  34. Oat products
  35. Baby cream
  36. Infant milk
  37. Greek coffee
  38. Instant coffee
  39. French coffee
  40. Orange juice
  41. Soft drinks
  42. Beer
  43. Water
  44. Chocolates
  45. Fuels (firewood, pellets, briquettes)
  46. Laundry detergents (liquid and powder – not tablets)
  47. Detergents for mopping and cleaning surfaces – bleaches
  48. Dish detergents for hand washing
  49. Kitchen paper
  50. Toilet paper
  51. Toothpastes
  52. Sanitary napkins or tampons
  53. Shampoo
  54. Soaps in solid state
  55. Incontinence diapers
  56. Diapers for babies
  57. Baby wipes
  58. Baby shampoo
  59. Food for dogs
  60. Cat food

Fruit and Vegetable Products

The Ministerial Decision also defines the categories of fruit and vegetable products for which the announcement of retail sales prices is foreseen in the Ministry of Development. The announcements of the indicative retail sales prices of fruit and vegetable products will be sent every Tuesday, at 09:00 through the digital platform

By complying with these regulations, supermarkets can ensure transparency in their pricing and maintain customer trust. Non-compliance may result in fines and reputational damage. It is essential for supermarkets to understand the requirements and product categories affected by this regulation to avoid any potential consequences.

Keywords: products,



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