“Grillo not using his power? He has 300,000 good reasons” –

Edward Sirignano

While Grillo and Conte are giving each other a good beating, it just so happens that a certain Luigi Di Maio is laughing. The former Foreign Minister, after a silence that lasted months, in the most difficult period for the Five Star Movement, reappears in the political arena and points the finger at those friends who, after his abandonment, have said all sorts of things to him. He has even been accused of selling himself to European bankers, see support for Draghi, in exchange for a seat among the rich people of the Middle East. This time, however, Giggino is tired of taking it. He goes on the counterattack and explains how the one who is linked to those who, in Sicily, are called “piccioli” is that founder called Grillo: «Why – he declares to the Adnkronos agency – doesn’t he intend to fully exercise his prerogatives as guarantor? It seems he has lost his courage. And perhaps there are 300,000 reasons… In a few months Conte will also take away his silverware. And then he will cancel his consultancy contract. Sad, I would say.”

Grillo and Conte towards the stamped papers: it's war on the 5-star treasure

According to the former political leader, the main cause of the split would not be the cornerstones, which the new leadership would like to question, but rather the super-consulting, which the Elevated does not intend to do without. At the same time, however, he is convinced that if the economic reasons for the dispute were to overcome, the founder would have all the credentials to win. “Conte – he reiterates – must only make sure that no one uses the 5 Star logo against him in future election campaigns. Already during the Grillo-Conte clash in 2021, some pollsters told Conte that if you change the symbol you can also get more votes, but you must make sure that no one competes against you with the old one”. This is why the lawyer from Volturara Appula would like to change a logo as soon as possible, which has brought a movement of four cats to Palazzo Chigi.

Sensational M5s, Toninelli returns to the field: Between Grillo and Conte...

Giuseppì, on the other hand, knows he has all the elected officials and a large part of the members on his side, regardless of the dress he wears. “Grillo – Di Maio recalls – no one follows him anymore”. In this sense, a big name like Stefano Patuanelli is showing his cards. The group leader in the Senate, in the columns of the daily newspaper “La Stampa”, highlights how within the Assembly the rebels of the first hour are not in the game. A truth that the expert comedian is also aware of. This, after all, is the rationale for which he intends to rush ahead and nip the vote in the bud. He knows full well that he has a better chance of winning in the courts than on a platform of yesmen, loyal to the leader of the moment.

Pact between Grillo and Orlando against Conte to prevent him from taking Liguria

The rule of the double mandate, then, fascinates and not a little those honorable members whose only priority is to safeguard their seat. Even Giggino from Pomigliano agrees on the elimination of the old cornerstone: «I have thought, for some time, that it should be overcome. It is the only way to ensure plurality to the M5S against the current top-downism. It would allow people with experience, if the voters want, to return to the institutions». He considers inappropriate, however, the strange threats of Conte to Grillo and above all the secret clause, according to which the notary Colucci, is absolutely convinced that Grillo cannot resort to stamped papers. «A Movement – ​​concludes the former number one of the yellows – that makes transparency its number one motto, should publish all the documents on its website. Or is this document valid only as long as it is confidential?».

#Grillo #power #good #reasons #Tempo
2024-08-26 11:47:06



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