Grillo Launches Bold Campaign Against Meloni: ‘Five Stars Outshine All Political Parties

Edward Sirignano

September 10, 2024

Virginia Raggi is Beppe Grillo’s weapon to beat Giuseppe Conte. After months of silence, the former mayor of the capital speaks again. She rejects the Left Movement wanted by the current political leader and applauded during the last Festa dell’Unità. “I don’t believe – she declares in the first episode of “A Casa di Maria Latella”, the new talk show on Raitre – in the experiment of the wide field”. The Five Star Movement, according to Virginia, must return to the origins, to the mission desired by the Founder: to represent an alternative for many voters, who did not recognize themselves as either right or left. It is therefore a mistake to return arm in arm with those party subjects, who should have been scrapped and who instead, with Peppino da Volturara Appula, have returned to being indispensable allies to win: “Many voters – the Five Star Movement member underlines – from the beginning have distanced themselves because the M5S has started to make a series of unclear movements. Continuing to remain in that sphere, I do not believe, will bring others closer. In fact, it will drive them away.”

Conte-Grillo, another round of the never-ending duel. No to elevated trains, the broadside

The iron axis between the lawyer from Puglia and Elly Schlein’s Nazarene is being criticized above all because a voter, according to Roman politics, between a historical and rooted left-wing party in the territory, as the PD certainly is, and the M5S, which recycles itself as such, “maybe chooses the original and not the copy”. For the grillismo of the Meetups, the only possible turning point is the return to the Statute, which for Raggi herself, is the only regulation capable of regulating what can and cannot be done. “If this – she explains – gives Beppe powers and he exercises them, he is right. The worst thing is to transform into what you always said you wanted to fight”. The former tricolor sash, however, does not commit herself on a possible legal battle between the Elevated and the current Contian elite, even if she confirms that she periodically hears from her undisputed political father, that comedian who had brought her from the Capitoline banquets to the most important seat in the Campidoglio.

Conte-Renzi, insults fly. The big Vaffa of the wide field

While bureaucracy expert Lannutti, together with the usual Borrè of appeals, prepares the legal battle to maintain the five-star symbol, Virginia will take care of reuniting the rebel front. Former minister Danilo Toninelli, for whom “there is no Movement without Grillo”, will certainly be part of this fringe, as will Nicola Morra, former president of the Antimafia, who will run to replace Toti in Liguria. The always controversial Alessandro Di Battista, on the other hand, does not dissolve his reservations, at least for now. Despite never having loved Conte, the man of the reports does not commit himself on a possible return to the palaces. This is why Virginia, as already anticipated in these columns, at least for now, is not only the undisputed leader of the wing that intends to archive “conte” to bring the yellows back to being the exact middle point between the red dem and the blue conservative, but also the alternative as far as the leaders in skirts are concerned. “Giorgia Meloni – she explains to Rai microphones – for me is a very tenacious woman who knows what she wants and who has managed, from 4% of her party, when she was in opposition, to govern a country. For better or for worse, she is tenacious and determined. Schlein, on the other hand, has managed against all odds to take back the party and bring it a little more to the left than her predecessors had done, but I frankly feel very distant from both of them”.

Action is a sieve: maxi-escape for Calenda's support to the left Orlando

#Stars #parties #Grillo #launches #antiMeloni #Tempo
2024-09-13 10:00:08

Here are some People Also Ask (PAA) related questions for the title **Virginia Raggi and Beppe Grillo: The Return to the Five ​Star Movement’s‌ Origins**:

Virginia Raggi and Beppe Grillo: The Return to the Five Star ⁤Movement’s Origins

Virginia Raggi, the former mayor of⁣ Rome, has spoken out again after months of silence.⁢ Her ⁤message is‍ clear: the Five Star Movement (M5S)⁢ must return to⁢ its origins, to‌ the ‌mission desired by its Founder, Beppe Grillo. Raggi rejects the Left Movement wanted by the current political leader, Giuseppe Conte, which was applauded during the last Festa dell’Unità.

According to Raggi, the M5S has deviated from its original purpose, which was to represent an alternative ​for voters who ‌do not identify as either right or left. Instead, the movement has made unclear movements, causing many voters to distance themselves. Raggi believes ​that ⁤continuing down this path will only drive ⁢voters⁣ away, ⁢rather than bringing them closer.

The former mayor’s comments come ‌as no surprise, given her past criticisms of the M5S’s ⁤current direction. ‍In a recent interview, Raggi said, “I don’t believe ‍in the experiment of the wide field” [[1]]. She has also hinted at a possible rift with⁤ Grillo,⁢ stating, “Non è Grillo che decide” (It’s not‌ Grillo who decides) [[2]].

Raggi’s message is being seen​ as a call⁤ to arms for the M5S to return to its roots, to the ⁤Statute that regulate what can and cannot⁢ be done within the movement. This is echoed in her statement,‍ “If this statuto gives powers to Beppe Grillo and he exercises them, he does well” [[3]].

The debate ⁣surrounding the M5S’s direction has been ongoing for some time, with many voters criticizing⁤ the movement’s decision to form alliances with traditional parties. Raggi’s comments add fuel to​ the fire, highlighting the ​need for the M5S‍ to⁢ refocus on its ‌core values and ​principles.

As the ⁤political landscape in Italy continues to shift, the fate of the M5S hangs in the balance. Will Virginia Raggi’s words spark a new ​direction for ⁤the movement, or will ⁢it⁢ continue down its current path? Only time will tell.





Optimized keywords: Virginia Raggi, Beppe ​Grillo, ⁣Five Star Movement, Giuseppe Conte, M5S, Italian politics, politics, Italy.

– What impact does Virginia Raggi’s support for Beppe Grillo have on Giuseppe Conte’s leadership within the Five Star Movement?

Virginia Raggi: Beppe Grillo’s Weapon to Beat Giuseppe Conte

After months of silence, Virginia Raggi, the former mayor of Rome, has spoken out again, this time rejecting the Left Movement wanted by Giuseppe Conte and embracing the original mission of the Five Star Movement (M5S) [[1]]. Raggi believes that the M5S must return to its roots and represent an alternative for voters who do not identify with either the right or left [[1]]. She criticizes the M5S’s recent unclear movements, which she thinks will drive voters away rather than attract new ones [[1]].

Raggi’s remarks come as a surprise, as she had been quiet for some time. However, her words are seen as a significant blow to Conte and his vision for the M5S. Raggi’s stance is aligned with Beppe Grillo, the founder of the M5S, who has been at odds with Conte over the party’s direction [[2]][[3]].

According to Raggi, the M5S’s statute is the only regulation capable of regulating what can and cannot be done within the party [[1]]. She believes that if the statute grants powers to Grillo and he exercises them, he is right, and the worst thing would be to transform into what the party always said it wanted to fight [[1]].

Raggi’s intervention is significant, as it highlights the ongoing power struggle within the M5S between Grillo and Conte. While Conte wants to lead the party towards a more moderate and centrist position, Grillo and his supporters, including Raggi, want to maintain the party’s original identity and mission [[2]][[3]].

The issue is further complicated by the legal battle to maintain the five-star symbol, which is being prepared by bureaucracy expert Lannutti and Borrè of



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