Grillo and Orlando, anti-Conte pact to prevent him from taking Liguria –

Edward Sirignano

The strange pact between Grillo and Orlando to not hand over Liguria to Conte. The comedian from Genoa, after being thrown out of his Movement, is ready to sell his soul to the devil, rather than hand over the fate of his land to those who betrayed him. The Elevato, for the friends of San Fruttuoso, in these months, has only one fear: a center-left united around Luca Pirondini. The Five Star senator, in fact, is a trusted man of the former prime minister and a sworn enemy of Beppe. Reason why, if he were to win, with the support of the entire progressive camp, the victory would be all of the Roman Movement and not of the original one, which instead would demonstrate weakness, even where it was born. This is why the founder is taking action, with every means at his disposal, in order to ruin the plan of the yellow Capitoline. It is no coincidence that the entry into the field of Nicola Morra, former president of the Antimafia and one of the few former members of parliament who have openly criticized the current 5 Star leadership, occurs on the same day in which the center-left seems to have convinced itself of the wisdom of leaving the leadership of the battle for the post-Toti era to those pentastellate justicialists, who before the rise of Meloni, dealt the cards at Palazzo Chigi.

Grillo and Conte towards the stamped papers: it's war on the 5-star treasure

We are talking about the same gentlemen, who according to some ill-thinking people, would have convinced some PM friends to open a file on Ciro, disturbing, in fact, the peace of the Grillo house. Reason why the old leader cannot remain inert and must anticipate the moves of the opponent, perhaps exploiting the rivalry between Elly and that Apulian, who does not want to be second to anyone. “Giving the presidency to a divided Movement – rumors some Democratic leader in the corridors of the Nazareno – means losing from the start. Orlando is not liked by everyone, but at least he is known”. At the Nazareno, on the other hand, they know the divide and conquer strategy by heart, especially if we are talking about an old fox like the former Minister of Justice Orlando. The latter is rumored, in those latitudes, to have knocked on Beppe’s door, who would have revealed to him how Morra could withdraw at the last moment, if this decision will serve to defeat the right.

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The truth, rather, is another. The Antimafia professor has only one goal: to weaken the Ligurian Movement, so that Conte’s claims move elsewhere and not to what is and must remain the cradle of the “Vaffa”, of the revolt and of those rebels, who are ready to give up their being “hard and pure” if it is necessary to stop the foreigner or in this case the Foggiano, who from distant Puglia wants to make the Gulf of Poets his own. In the coast, par excellence, of love, meanwhile, an old feeling has been reborn, that between Grillo and Di Battista. The Roman Alessandro, in fact, leaves the capital and his reportages around the planet to attend a conference in Riva Ligure, a center that is a few kilometers from the sanctuary of the Elevato, from that place considered “sacred” for those Meetups, who do not find themselves in the civic spirit of Professor Conte. A religion that, in the last few hours, is apparently bringing together the entire old guard that has been scrapped. It is no coincidence that the never forgotten Toninelli or the historic treasurer Cominardi are back in the news. Even the former mayor of the capital Raggi could soon take revenge, which she has been dreaming of for years, just as a return of that Bonafede, who misses, and not a little, active politics, cannot be ruled out.

#Grillo #Orlando #antiConte #pact #prevent #Liguria #Tempo
2024-08-25 07:52:06



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