Grenades used against protesters in Israel; Netanyahu supports the police

Tel Aviv: The Israeli police used grenades against the ‘Day of Disruption’ organized on Wednesday as protests against the Netanyahu government intensified in Israel.

Nationwide protests are taking place against the Netanyahu government, which is trying to infiltrate the justice system through new laws. As a part of it, the Day of Disruption was organized on Wednesday. There was an attempt by the police to suppress the protests.

Live footage of the police dragging away those protesting against this saying that they are the majority in this street has come out.

A protester in Tel Aviv was fatally injured when police fired a grenade. Reshet Bet radio also reported that police fired tear gas to disperse the protesters.

But Prime Minister Netanyahu came to the scene by supporting the police in the incident. He said that violence against the police and road blocking protests will not be accepted and the right to protest is not the right to anarchy.

Israeli Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir said that some of the protesters threw stones at the police and then the police had to intervene to control the chaos of the protesters.

Netanyahu sought to implement new policies to introduce political control over judicial appointments and limit the Supreme Court’s power to overturn government decisions and Knesset (Israeli parliament) laws.

Parliament gave initial approval to these policies despite opposition boycotts. After this, the people of Israel protested.

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But US Ambassador Tom Nids said that amid the flare-up of protests, people should be brought together and try to find consensus. He had come to attend a conference at Tel Aviv University.

Netanyahu is of the opinion that this law will eliminate the imbalance between different sections of the government and will bring rise in the business sector.

But legal experts said that Israel will be isolated by this law. Israeli President Isaac Herzog also said that the country is on the verge of constitutional and social collapse and that consensus should be sought.

Content highlight: Grenades used against protesters in Israel; Netanyahu supports the police

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