Greeting messages from African heads of state to their fellow citizens for 2022

Congolese President Félix Tshisekedi addressed the Congolese people from the city of Kananga (Illustrative image).

© AP – Ludovic Marin
Congolese President Félix Tshisekedi addressed the Congolese people from the city of Kananga (Illustrative image).

Overview of this obligatory passage for heads of state. The opportunity for them to deliver a rallying and optimistic speech for the year 2022 following two years marked by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Mamadi Doumbouya gave details on the rest of the transition process during his greetings to the Guineans. Another important announcement was made by the authorities: the former head of state, Alpha Condé, will be able to leave Guinean territory, reports our correspondent in Conakry, Matthias Raynal.

In a press release, the CNRD specifies that this medical trip cannot last more than a month in accordance with the commitment made by ECOWAS. The departure of the deposed head of state might take place in the coming days. During his first trip abroad, Alpha Condé will therefore officially undergo medical examinations. Rumors had reported in recent weeks of a deterioration in the state of health of the 83-year-old former head of state.

The information almost eclipsed the wishes of the putschist president. Red beret, beige jacket covered with medals, Mamadi Doumbouya appeared on national television with severe air. In a unifying speech, he indicated that the organization of national meetings ” throughout the territory »Guinean and in the country’s embassies abroad would take place in the first quarter of 2022.

Faced with the rise of the Covid, Andry Rajoelina highlights the CVO +

Madagascan President Rajoelina recalled the measures put in place to fight once morest the coronavirus, recalls our correspondent in Antananarivo, Like Laetitia. He notably promoted CVO +, the capsule produced from the active principle of traditional plants, artemisia and ravintsara: “ Anyone can get the vaccine for free. But I would like to point out that the vaccine is everyone’s choice. It is not obligatory. We distributed CVO +, a product resulting from Malagasy research. We have found that it protects and has saved a lot of life, especially at this time. »

Roads, schools, hospitals or factories… In his speech, the Head of State insisted on the infrastructure already built. He also mentioned those that will be for this new year, particularly the start of the construction of a highway that will connect the great port city on the east coast, Tamatave, in the capital, Antananarivo.

While this end of the year was marked by the dissatisfaction of many Malagasy people with even more severe water and electricity cuts than usual, the latter sent, among other things, a message to those responsible for the Jirama, the national water and electricity company. “ I know that a special effort must be made regarding the management of the Jirama because it is the right of everyone to have access to light, to uninterrupted electricity and to drinking water. I encourage the managers and employees of this company to take their responsibilities »

After having advocated ” different practices of the opposition “, Andry Rajoelina also called” appeasement to succeed “And” solidarity “To materialize” the development of the country ».

Félix Tshisekedi wants to give the DRC back its letters of nobility

Félix Tshisekedi addressed the Congolese people from the city of Kananga, capital of the province of Kasai Central. Love, peace, health, happiness and prosperity… These wishes were expressed by the President of the Republic to the Congolese people for the year 2022. For this transition to the new year, Félix Tshisekedi was pleased to have replaced the DRC on the international scene by opening it up to the world, explains our correspondent in Kinshasa, Commander Muzembe Commander.

For this year which begins, Félix Tshisekedi wishes that all Congolese contribute together to the salutary work of refounding this beautiful building that is the DRC. As he declared on December 13 before the National Assembly and the Senate meeting in congress, President Tshisekedi reiterated his wishes to restore the DRC to its glory.

But for this he called on his compatriots to combine their efforts to make together this richly blessed land a real haven of peace, prosperity and social progress.

Alassane Ouattara wants to reduce social inequalities

Alassane Ouattara was satisfied with the return to peace in Côte d’Ivoire and congratulated the political parties for the the first inclusive legislative for twenty years in March. For 2022, the focus will be on good governance, youth and women’s employment. But above all, Alassane Ouattara insisted on his desire to accelerate economic reforms and reduce social inequalities, in particular with the launch of a new three-year poverty reduction plan.

Macky Sall calls for preserving “the legacy of the Ancients”

In Senegal, President Macky Sall addressed the Nation on Friday. A speech of regarding thirty minutes. On the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, ” the number of cases is on the rise “, Underlined the Head of State, who once once more called on the population to be vaccinated. Macky Sall also defended the measures taken to contain the rise in prices and the infrastructure projects launched by the government.

After a year 2021 marked by deadly riots in March, and in view of the next electoral deadlines, the Head of State also launched an appeal to preserve “ the legacy of the ancients “Who have built a” Nation that unites ».

Ali Bongo talks regarding his health problems of 2018

Ali Bongo also presented his best wishes to the nation. For the first time, President Ali Bongo spoke of his personal health problems, says our correspondent in Libreville, Yves-Laurent Goma.

« In October 2018 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, I suffered a terrible ordeal. This trial, I have accepted it and overcome it thanks to faith. But also thanks to your support. Unfailing support that I will never forget, says the Gabonese president. I also overcame this ordeal thanks to the love of my country, the love of my family; the love of my parents; the love of my children; the love of my wife. Even at the height of the storm, you were always there. Strong like a rock. God knows what might have happened if I hadn’t had you all by my side ».

On the diplomatic level, Ali Bongo recalled with pride that Gabon sits as of today and for two years on the UN Security Council as a non-permanent member. He also announced that Gabon will join the Commonwealth in 2022.

Nationally, Ali Bongo has promised to lift restrictive measures once morest Covid 19 between April and June depending on the evolution of the pandemic. He also denounced the strikes of tax collectors and teachers. But made no proposal for a dialogue to end the crisis.



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