Greenwood, Manchester United player, accused of assault by his ex-girlfriend

  • The footballer’s ex-partner published images of an alleged beating and audios circulated that hint at a sexual assault

  • The Mancunian team has separated the player while what happened is investigated and condemns all kinds of violence

The delantero del Manchester United Mason Greenwood is in the eye of the storm in England after his ex girlfriend will post this Sunday on social media videos and photos showing an alleged beating of the player. The publications were later deleted, but audios began to circulate that even hint at a sexual assault. The police are investigating the events, while Manchester United has announced that the 20-year-old player will not return to training or playing with the team for the time being.

Harriet Robson hung this Sunday some ‘stories’ and Instagram in which she appeared with the lip apparently split and a trail of blood, and with a sign that read: “For all those who want to know what mason greenwood really does to me“. At the moment the date on which these images were captured is not clear. In addition to that short video, he published several images with bruises on different parts of your body.

As if that were not enough, in the hours that followed, some audios, supposedly recorded by Harriet Robson herself, in which the player and his partner would be heard arguing it is included forcing her to have sex.

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“We are aware of the images and accusations circulating on social networks. We will not comment further until the facts have been clarified. Manchester United does not condone violence of any kind,” Manchester United said in a first statement, without Name your footballer. Hours later, he issued another to announce that he was removed: “Mason Greenwood will not train or play again until further notice.”

Greenwood, in whom United have placed their trust as a striker of the next decade, made his debut for the senior England team last September in Iceland. Then he already starred in a scandal (nothing compared to this Sunday), when he and Phil Foden invited two girls to his room, violating the rules of any concentration and also the anticovid bubble.

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