Greens: “ABAU’s old thinking and fake news about land consumption endanger our livelihoods”

Greens: “ABAU’s old thinking and fake news about land consumption endanger our livelihoods”

2024-08-16 10:40:03

Vienna(OTS) –

“The Austrian Bau Agency (ABAU) spreads fairy tales in its fight against reasonable soil protection in our country. In its so-called “common-sense soil strategy” it spreads misinformation about the consequences of binding soil protection targets, And there is no mention of how important truly effective soil protection is for Austria and the lives of future generations of our planet. This fake news is simply embarrassing and irresponsible.

Environment spokesperson Astrid Rössler describes ABAU’s new “Alliance with Common Sense” initiative, which opposes soil protection and limits Austria’s ongoing land consumption, as “highly irresponsible and forgetful about the future”. 2.5 hectare target. In fact, the purpose behind the position paper is simply to continue the unchecked concrete construction frenzy.

“When ABAU wants to cover up its reckless waste of our livelihood, it once again shines with its old thinking. With the 2.5 hectare land target, 600,000 apartments and 20,000 kindergartens can still be built every year. Only through binding soil By protecting, we can stop reckless, senseless, and excessive concrete construction in our homes.

“On the Home Page of the Common Sense Alliance there is a myth about land consumption and it is important to clarify this once and for all: Austria is one of the most pathetic leaders in Europe when it comes to concrete construction. If we continue like this, in a short time In just a few decades we will no longer have fertile land for food to grow, no more healthy soil for water to penetrate, no more beautiful nature for recreation and biodiversity. The climate crisis is here and we simply can’t. Keep pouring concrete as before. The bottom line is: the Austrian people also urgently need binding soil protection. “You won’t let ABAU’s fairy tale stop you,” Vograuer affirms.

The original OTS press release is the sender’s sole responsibility for its content – WWW.OTS.AT | GBU

#Greens #ABAUs #thinking #fake #news #land #consumption #endanger #livelihoods



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