Greenhouse Gases: The Problem, Impact, and Emission Reduction in Thailand – A Comprehensive Guide

2023-06-07 15:06:43

The problem of ‘Greenhouse Gas’ is a problem that the world must cooperate seriously. Because almost every country is involved in such problems. lead to global warming problems and unprecedented climate change for many years. Both rising temperatures, droughts, extreme cold weather, and the occurrence of rainstorms that change each year.

The cause of the greenhouse gas effect I wouldn’t have to look far anywhere. which comes from all human actions Both creating air pollution especially carbon dioxide Comes from the burning of fuels such as oil, natural gas and coal in various manufacturing industries, fuels from electricity generation, agriculture, automobile use, incineration or other polluting actions. both directly and indirectly are all the main causes of such problems

From the data, it was found that since humans entered the industrial age, regarding 200 years ago, it has resulted in increased emissions of pollution until now. Etc., which these gases collect heat radiation from the earth’s surface. and expel heat back down

Lead to many different problems, which is the result of the greenhouse gas problem. with subsequent effects affecting the climate that is changing from the original and tends to become more severe each year

Things to know with ‘Greenhouse gases’

Greenhouse gas (Greenhouse Gas) is a gas that has the ability to absorb heat radiation waves. or infrared radiation as well These gases are essential to maintaining a constant temperature in Earth’s atmosphere. which if the earth’s atmosphere does not contain greenhouse gases in the atmosphere like other planets in the solar system will cause the temperature during the day is very hot and the night was very cold.

This is because these gases absorb heat radiation during the day and gradually radiate heat at night. Therefore, the temperature in the global atmosphere does not change suddenly. The major components of greenhouse gases are water vapor, carbon dioxide, ozone, methane and nitrous oxide, CFC, etc.

which are all derived from human actions both burning fuel from coal Oil and natural gas, along with deforestation, produce carbon dioxide. Farming and livestock emit methane and nitrous oxide. Smoke from vehicle exhaust pipes emits ozone gas. In addition, industrial processing emits halocarbons.

situation in Thailand

Thailand tends to increase greenhouse gas emissions from national development activities from greenhouse gas emissions in 2011 with greenhouse gas emissions of 305.52 million tons of carbon dioxide. And from the amount of emissions estimated to be as high as 555 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent in 2030, the economic sector with the highest share of greenhouse gas emissions is the energy sector, followed by agriculture, industrial processes and waste.

In addition, the Germanwatch ranking lists Thailand as one of the top 10 countries at high risk of long-term climate change. and the Climate Center’s climate change projections. The Meteorological Department concluded that in the next 20 years (2016–2035), the average temperature in Thailand will increase.

and has an average maximum temperature of more than 35 degrees Celsius during the summer. The average annual rainfall has increased. and the number of rainy days during the rainy season and the distribution of rain increased causing an impact on the amount of water in the water source And there is a risk of drought and flooding in some areas. which affects the country’s water management in various sectors such as the agricultural and urban sectors

emission reduction ‘Greenhouse gases’ of Thailand

According to agreements from the United Nations Forum under the United Nations Convention on Climate Change At present, greenhouse gas emissions reductions are being undertaken as appropriate for developing countries (Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions: NAMA). Targets have been set to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 7-20 percent from business-as-usual (business-as-usual) levels. As Usual: BAU)

This is a voluntary operation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the energy and transportation sectors in 2020, which is driving action by the government according to the potential of measures from policies and plans. Including the development of measurement, reporting and verification (Measurable, Reportable, Verifiable: MRV) in each sector of greenhouse gas emissions.

Thailand has made a commitment to participate (NDC), which implements the Paris Agreement to address climate change. By making proposals for the country’s participation in greenhouse gas reduction and climate change action. set greenhouse gas reduction targets in 2030

The goal is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions at 20-25 percent from the normal case, which is driving the operation of the government sector. Relying on action with participation from all sectors according to the potential of measures from policies and plans And the public sector, with the Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning, has prepared a road map to reduce greenhouse gas emissions of the country.

Public-Private Cooperation reduce greenhouse gases

The Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT) confirms its intention to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Accelerate the creation of a network of cooperation from both public and private sectors. to strive for carbon neutrality ready to support entrepreneurs in industrial estates and industrial port Use effective technology and innovation to develop alternative energy production systems and industrial waste management

The IEAT has accelerated the development of Thailand with the BCG economic model, aiming to create a balance for the economy to grow in tandem with the environment sustainably. Encourage entrepreneurs in both the public and private sectors to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. both in industrial estates and outside industrial estates

by laying down policies on energy management, cost reduction, and carbon neutrality, along with developing the potential of industrial estates To respond to the government’s policy on BCG under the implementation of the Eco-Industrial City and Smart IE projects.

information :

  • Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (Public Organization)

#Thailands #Greenhouse #Gas #problem #target #plan #jointly #solve



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