“Green Tea: The New Antivirus Against Alzheimer’s Disease”

2023-04-28 12:49:00

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Altogether live in Germany around 1.8 million people with one dementia, most of whom have Alzheimer’s disease. So it is not uncommon; and yet there is so far no cure. A study has now discovered how a substance in green tea for Alzheimer’s might help. Green tea is especially in the Asian region, especially in Japandrunk and counts there as a drink with “inexhaustible health potential“, as the center of health writes. Green tea isn’t just supposed to help cancer prevention be helpful, but also the Cell regeneration in the brain can stimulate. This in turn can prevent Alzheimer’s disease, such as a study by the Chinese Third Military Medical University shows in Chongqing. A study from America focused on treating Alzheimer’s using green tea ingredients completely prevent or cure.

Alzheimer’s research: the outline of the US study

In the last three decades Dementia research worked intensively on reducing the brain damage caused by Alzheimer’s understand better to be able to Current research is focusing on more effective treatments as well as a way around Prevent Alzheimer’s entirely or to heal. US researchers were looking for a cure for Alzheimer’s and found out amazing things.

The study of the research team regarding Dana Cairns was in the trade magazine “Free Radical Biology and Medicine” was published. In the study, various active ingredients tested the the so-called Alzheimer-Plaques should inhibit. Both Plaques These are structurally altered areas in the brain that trigger the disease. The surprising thing: catechins, a plant substance that is found, for example, in green tea occurs can fight the plaques.

Total were 21 different connections tested for their ability to prevent the growth of so-called beta-amyloid plaques. For the tests, a 3D-Modell living human brain cells. To determine the effects of the substances, an initial screen was made. A compound was then added to the plaque cells and observed for a few days.

Amazing Study Findings: How Can Green Tea Help?

A special effect might be achieved with the plant substance Catechins to be observed. We find this mainly in the Green tea leaves. The plant substance acts once morest Alzheimer’s like a kind of “antivirus”. It is believed that he caused the onset of the disease slow it down and possibly even prevent it completely. Among the 21 substances tested, there were other substances that showed a similar effectiveness.

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The second active ingredient is this Resveratrol. The plant substance, also known as an anti-aging substance, is found in small amounts in red wine or in fruits like Grapes, blueberries or cranberries. The researchers found that resveratrol and catechins work in a similar way. But not only that: Overall, we might five fabrics show in the screening that they can fight the plaques. The other three fabrics are Curcumin from turmeric, the active ingredient Citicoline and a diabetes drug called Metformin.

Both side effects few if any might be seen. The study director stressedthat the goal was to find harmless but effective active ingredients. The most effective were green tea and resveratol from red wine. After just one week in the screening, these active substances were found almost no more plaques visible.

Brief overview: Alzheimer’s disease – that’s behind it

dementia is a collective term for diseases in which the brain can no longer function properly. The most common form of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease; she concerns 60-70 percent of dementia patients. Alzheimer’s patients often have problems with memory, thinking and behavior. While the symptoms are hardly noticeable at the beginning, they become more pronounced as the disease progresses further out. The disease progresses in everyone anderen time Ahead.

A typical symptomwhich may occur are difficulties with memory and thinking ability. For example, you may find it difficult to complete tasks that used to be easy for you or to solve problems. Places, people, and events can be muddled or unrecognized. In addition, there are increasing problems with the Language. Not only speaking, but also writing is difficult for many of those affected. In the later phases there are often abnormalities in the Psyche and behavioral change. People with Alzheimer’s often become unusually anxious, suspicious, passive or even aggressive, frustrated or depressed.

One cure is there for Alzheimer’s disease not yet. At the treatment The main aim is to alleviate the symptoms and discomfort. As a result, those affected can often maintain their quality of life for longer. As non-drug Treatment methods will include the music therapy or the occupational therapy used. In addition, one medication where, for example, antidementia or antidepressants are prescribed. There always following individual diagnosis When deciding which therapy is best, it is important that patients follow the instructions of their doctor. The disease is not easy for those affected, nor for those around them. When a diagnosis is made, many decisions have to be made over time. This includes, for example, the type of support in everyday life, the treatment, subsequent care and/or the appropriate type of housing. Appropriate offers of help you can among other things of the German Alzheimer Society and the Alzheimer’s Association find.

Conclusion – progress in research, but no cure in sight

Alzheimer’s is a very common disease for which there is currently no cure. However, a US study has now been able to show that common organic compounds such as green tea catechins prevent the formation of Reduce Alzheimer’s plaques can. Resveratrol was also able to show impressive anti-plaque effects. Therefore, reaching for the red wine bottle is not recommended. It’s better on green tea or others Resveratrol Sources such as blueberries, cranberries, peanuts, pistachios or cocoa.

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With its findings, the team was able to progress in research make. Unfortunately, however, from a laboratory situation never one on one on humans getting closed. Therefore, there are no exact quantity specifications or similar recommendations. It remains exciting to see how Alzheimer’s research will continue to progress.

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