Increasing muscle mass is a task that many people start with physical activity on a regular basis, following the coach’s instructions, but there are some shakes that serve as a complement for their nutrients.
For the preparation of these drinks, fruits and vegetables are used that help reduce inflammation; They are also ideal for the care of the digestive system, balance hormone levels (especially testosterone and cortisol), and improve insulin sensitivity and regulate blood sugar levels, All these benefits contribute to building muscle mass.
According to the portal your health, it is ideal to give it some time so that the muscle rests and can also grow. This is because “during exercise, muscle fibers are injured and send a signal to the body indicating that it is necessary to recover the muscles, and it is during this period that muscle mass is gained.”
Experts advise sports activity three to five times a week, in addition, the same muscle group should be worked once or twice, since rest is important for hypertrophy.
Exercise should also be continued when pain is felt, as it is “at that time that the white fibers of the muscle begin to break down, leading to hypertrophy during the recovery period.”
It must also be taken into account that the pain is in a joint, because in this case if it is necessary to lower the load and the intensity of the exercise or stop with this activity.
Another advice from the experts is that when you achieve the ideal muscle mass, you cannot stop exercising, because “the loss of muscle mass can be observed following 15 days of not having done any training,” they explain in Your Health.
Specialists also point out that going to the gym to increase muscle mass is a process that requires patience, in addition, concentration and slow exercises help build muscle.
A study published in the European Journal of Sport Science carried out a measurement with a group of men who trained three times a week for two months. They all worked their biceps with a barbell and quadriceps extension, but with one difference: some did the slower movements, concentrating on feeling each muscle, and others just raised and lowered the weight, as indicated by the portal Menshealth.
The investigation revealed that “the former increased the size of the muscles worked by 12%and the latter only 7%″, they quote in the aforementioned portal.
In food, shakes play an important role as a complement to build muscle mass, one of them is green. In the portal body mind explain this recipe to prepare it
- 2 bananas.
- 5 kale leaves.
- 1 tablespoon of tahini or sesame butter.
- 2 tablespoons of hemp seeds.
- 2 cups of almond milk.
- goji berries, banana, almonds and hemp seeds.
- Wash the kale leaves and peel the bananas.
- Pour the almond milk into the blender, add the kale leaves and blend together for regarding 10 seconds.
- Add the rest of the ingredients and beat for an additional 10 seconds or until smooth.
Experts in body mind point out that this shake is ideal for muscle mass, because bananas are a source of simple carbohydrates, which “the body assimilates quickly and easily, to replenish glucose reserves and recover energy.”
On the other hand, kale provides more protein than most green leafy vegetables. According to body mind, “For every 100 grams, 4.3 grams are protein.”