Green prevention and smart irrigation Jiangsu consolidates the foundation for stable autumn grain production_Xinhuanet Jiangsu Channel

2024-08-27 06:26:30

The beginning of autumn has passed, and the vast rice fields of Jiangsu are full of life. This is a critical period for the formation of rice production in Jiangsu, with about two months left before the large-scale harvest of autumn grain crops.

On the north bank of Taihu Lake, beside the Grand Canal. In the contiguous farmland, rice is growing happily, and in the distance there are black tiles and white walls, giving it a Jiangnan water town scene. Li Quan, production manager of Suzhou Yinghu Agricultural Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd., walked into the field to observe the growth of rice. While checking the condition of the seedlings, he chatted with reporters about farming matters. “Currently, it is the breaking and heading period of rice, which is also a critical period for pest and disease control. Continuing high temperature weather has also put more than 1,000 acres of rice under pressure to reduce production. Through ‘human defense + physical defense + technical defense’, we use Internet of Things technology , carry out pest control and smart irrigation to promote stable rice production and increase income.

Autumn grain is the bulk of Jiangsu’s annual grain production. The reporter learned from the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs that the meteorological conditions in the early stage of Jiangsu’s autumn grain production this year are complicated. Affected by climate anomalies and a high base of pest sources in the south, it is expected that the occurrence of “two migrations” of rice pests in Jiangsu this year will be moderate to severe. In the past few days, experts and agricultural technicians from all over Jiangsu have been actively organizing experts and agricultural technicians to go deep into the fields to provide production technical guidance services to help farmers “take away food from insects”, strengthen green prevention and control, and lay a solid foundation for a bumper autumn grain harvest.

When rice breaks and heads, preventing and controlling major pests and diseases such as rice planthoppers, rice leaf rollers, and rice blast is the top priority to ensure a high grain yield throughout the year. Gaogang, Xinghua and other places in Taizhou City have promoted green prevention and control measures such as biological control on a large scale, and installed pest traps to prevent and control pests and diseases. At the same time, “rice-duck co-cropping” is developed, using ducks in the fields to remove insects, weeds, and fertilize the rice, creating a new way of ecological farming.

The agricultural meteorological observation network is getting denser and denser, and smart irrigation is more “digital”. In the high-standard farmland in Lanhuatang, Pukou District, Nanjing City, the small field weather station is eye-catching. Nowadays, with field weather stations automatically monitoring farmland environment temperature, humidity, etc., fertilization and pesticide application, pest and disease control, and crop irrigation in agricultural production have more scientific basis. Shao Lichang, a “new farmer” in Pukou District, said: “We have built a complete field management system, which can check the temperature and humidity of the soil at any time. With a touch of mobile phone, water will be delivered to the field, and farmland irrigation can be realized with ‘one click’.”

In the past few days, there have been frequent high-temperature weather, and the rice in the fields has “screamed thirsty.” Some places in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province are promoting water-saving irrigation, moving from “flood irrigation” to “precision drip irrigation”. Sensors distributed at the head of the field can automatically detect soil moisture, and send water directly to the field through intelligent irrigation pump stations, saving water and increasing efficiency. In Pei County, Xuzhou City, some villagers used temporary pumping stations to irrigate farmland. Staff from the local power supply department used live work to eliminate line deficiencies to ensure the normal operation of the water pumps. “In the past, more than 10 farmers used one motorized well to water crops, and everyone had conflicts in paying electricity bills. After the power supply department helped with the transformation, one meter per household was implemented, and metering was implemented by household. Farmers have more peace of mind when using electricity for irrigation,” said villager Xu Qingwen.

Recently, autumn grain diseases and insect pests have spread rapidly in some places. The reporter interviewed in Xuzhou and saw that drone spraying of pesticides has been widely promoted. Pilots control drones to flexibly shuttle over farmland and efficiently carry out “one spray and three prevention” on-site operations. State Grid Xuzhou Power Supply Company drove mobile power vehicles to the fields and set up “mobile charging stations” with multiple batteries charged for backup to provide energy supply for agricultural drones.

Only when the output is guaranteed can the harvest be supported. Jiangsu has had a bumper summer grain harvest this year, achieving “three increases” in area, yield per unit area, and total output, with summer grain output reaching 28.61 billion kilograms. The clock never stops, the farmers keep walking, and the autumn grain field management is carried out in an orderly manner. This year, Jiangsu released a list of policies to support grain and oil production, clarifying 18 specific measures in four major categories of policies. It is expected that provincial-level and above funds used for grain production throughout the year will exceed 25 billion yuan. Focusing on all aspects of farming, management and harvesting, various regions in Jiangsu have vigorously implemented actions to increase grain yields, promote the in-depth integration of good varieties, good methods, good opportunities and good fields, demonstrate the application of high-quality and high-yield collaborative integration supporting technologies, and consolidate the foundation of food security. (Reporter Zhao Jiulong)


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