“Green model slap” –

“Green model slap” –
Christian Campigli

A topic that has become highly topical. A new way of eating, which meets the needs of animal rights activists, but on which there are still doubts regarding our health. It is precisely on this last point that the MEP of the League, Anna Maria Cisint, wants to clarify. The representative of the Carroccio has thus decided to send a written question to the European Commission. “Not only did I intend to highlight to the Commission the lack of long-term scientific studies that demonstrate the absence of risks in the consumption of synthetic products for the human body, but I also asked whether there is active funding by the EC towards companies that have the objective of introducing meat, fish or other products artificially created in the laboratory onto the market. If this were the case, we would find ourselves with the sadly well-known paradox of those who preach well and then practice badly”.

“Green model slap” –

“It is worth remembering in this sense, the efforts made by the Commission itself in the last legislature for the Farm to Fork strategy (from field to table), which was supposed to facilitate small farms and small livestock farms to the advantage of the circular economy. A paradox compared to the interests of commercial companies that, for purely economic interests, invest in new and – potentially risky – food frontiers”, he continued. For Cisint, if the news of any dedicated funding were confirmed, it would be yet another “slap in the face model Green, aimed at European farmers and breeders”. A battle that promises to be long and complicated.

#Green #model #slap #Tempo
2024-07-31 22:00:09

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