Green Camp: Zhu Lilun replied that the content of German media laughs at the international naive idea and cannot deal with cross-strait issues at all | Politics | Newtalk News

DPP spokesman Xie Peifen. Photo: Lin Chaoyi/Photo (file photo)

In an exclusive interview with Deutsche Welle recently, Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun was overwhelmed by the reporter’s sharp questions. He even got angry at the end and ended the interview directly. In this regard, DPP spokesperson Xie Peifen said today (7) days that Deutsche Welle published an exclusive interview with Zhu Lilun yesterday. Zhu Lilun answered the reporter’s question in a ridiculous and ridiculous manner, completely deviating from mainstream public opinion in Taiwan. Naive thinking simply cannot deal with cross-strait issues.

The DPP issued a press release in the evening, mentioning that in an exclusive interview with reporters, Zhu Lilun said that according to the credible polls of the Political and Election Research Center, the Kuomintang’s support had dropped to 14%. In the election, the Kuomintang will definitely win the election. In the end, it even directly interrupted the dialogue with the reporter and forced the end of the interview with “time is up”.

Xie Peifen pointed out that in the exclusive interview, Zhu Lilun repeatedly emphasized that “only through dialogue with China can we avoid war” and “the Kuomintang’s position is to maintain the status quo”, but completely ignored the reporter’s statement that “Xi Jinping does not want the status quo” and that “dialogue cannot prevent the dictator from going to war.” , “How to persuade Xi Jinping not to realize the Chinese dream” and other very real questions, constantly answering non-existent questions and talking to themselves.

Xie Peifen continued to point out that Zhu Lilun blindly placed the responsibility for the tension between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait on the DPP government, while gently letting go of the CCP authorities. Even reporters questioned whether Zhu Lilun’s views were too naive. When the reporter pointed out that Zhu Lilun had said in the United States in July this year that “the 1992 Consensus is a consensus without consensus”, but China said it was “arbitrarily distorted” and asked Zhu Lilun to “keep a clear head” and “stand on the right side of history.” , like the CCP instructing and bullying it.

Xie Peifen bluntly said that it is regrettable to see that Zhu Lilun is prevaricate, perfunctory, and evasive regarding this key issue, and is completely unwilling to face it head-on. In 2019, Xi’s five articles have clearly stated that the “1992 Consensus” is “one China” and “one country, two systems”, and from various polls, it can be found that the Taiwanese people do not accept the CCP’s statement at all, but Zhu Lilun completely turned a blind eye.

Hsieh Peifen criticized the Kuomintang, as the largest opposition party in Taiwan, that it is unwilling to communicate with the Taiwanese people in cross-strait relations, and will only sing along with the CCP authorities, and even choose to continue to deceive the Taiwanese people with the false “1992 Consensus”. Doing so will allow the KMT to win the election at the end of the year. Zhu Lilun’s naive thoughts on cross-strait relations cannot deal with cross-strait issues at all. His statement does not give priority to the people of Taiwan at all, but only considers the interests of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, and must be condemned the most severely.

In an exclusive interview with Deutsche Welle recently, Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun was overwhelmed by the reporter’s sharp questions. He even got angry at the end and ended the interview directly. In this regard, DPP spokesperson Xie Peifen said today (7) days that the media Deutsche Welle published an exclusive interview with Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun yesterday. Zhu Lilun answered the reporter’s question in a ridiculous way, making it ridiculous and completely deviating from mainstream public opinion in Taiwan. The naive idea of ​​cross-strait relations simply cannot deal with cross-strait issues.

The DPP issued a press release in the evening, mentioning that in an exclusive interview with reporters, Zhu Lilun said that according to the credible polls of the Political and Election Research Center, the Kuomintang’s support had dropped to 14%. In the election, the Kuomintang will definitely win the election. In the end, it even directly interrupted the dialogue with the reporter and forced the end of the interview with “time is up”.



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