Greek-Turkish: Myths and truths – Greece’s position and Turkey’s 10 absurd claims

Certainly all of them – some of them were in the past in government positions – in their day were the “high priests of inactivity and immobility in diplomatic and military matters”. Or they were just watching the events or talking about other things, while now they are shouting about “the gray wolf that will devour us”. The same and the same. Zero substance, populist outbursts, verbal outbursts, failure to cite calculable arguments, some even in unarmed legalistic cloud culture – but also with a wooden language that is constantly repeated.

Some imaginative people take part in panels or TV windows and blast the “modern nightmares that betray Greece”. The situation has reached the point of conspiracy, with the result that the prime minister from Brussels responded with particularly harsh language – with the exception of former prime minister Antonis Samaras – to those who move in completely fictional spheres.

If someone has transcripts of the various diplomatic contacts or videos with detailed and confirmed concessions and exchange positions, why don’t they make them public? With non-existent assumptions and verbal rumors as well as decadent expressions they do not contribute constructively to the understanding of the situation in Greek-Turkish. The world is confused, and of course the endless paraphilology and rampant conspiracy theory (from some retired military, retired diplomats and all sorts of commentators or directed journalists) rages.

The new wave of “patriotic outbursts” coincides with the recent informal tripartite meeting at the United Nations on the Cyprus issue, which has been languishing for seven years since Cran Montana, and the visit of Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan to Athens for contacts with Giorgos Gerapetritis. Every time a high-level Greek-Turkish meeting is on the calendar, then the representatives of the “never retreating and never compromising” appear more strongly, while the governmental and diplomatic actors-technocrats are supposed to be working for alien and suspicious interests of foreign powers, etc.

The stable Greek position

1 The government has made it clear that with Ankara we are only discussing the issues of the delimitation of the EEZ and the continental shelf. Nothing more. These two certainly require a dialogue with legal arguments. For decades, Turkey has been raising non-existent and non-territorial issues that touch our permanent sovereign interests on land, sea and air. It has a revisionist and provocative agenda, which Greece has never discussed or is about to discuss.

All opponents they have a dialogue

2 Even on the memory of the Cold War, the opponents discussed military doctrines, the level of conventional forces from the Atlantic to the Urals, the NATO-Warsaw Pact nuclear strategy, the military activities of the two coalitions (MBFR, etc.). And the two coalitions were officially enemies. The fact that you are discussing does not mean that you are retreating to your fixed positions. The Americans had contacts with the Taliban in Afghanistan, despite their 20-year presence, or India with Pakistan and endless examples that I can cite. By God, we did not say that we accepted what the Turks claim about the status of our islands, the extent of the national airspace, the rights of the Muslim minority of Thrace, etc. Dialogue must always exist. With conditions and with clear positions. The well-known “commentators” for everything serve exclusively their populist models and interests.

It is not priority for the US

3 In all the fanciful and submissive “super-patriots” and conspiracy theorists-Nostradamus present our bilateral relations with Ankara, they portray the Americans as lobbyists, etc. The Americans have so many open global and regional fronts that they are not even concerned with the Greek-Turkish and the Eastern Mediterranean. They have multi-front war confrontation in the Middle East, Iranian ambitions, the relentless 970-day war in Ukraine, the Russian multi-dimensional threat, the humanitarian crises on the planet, the coming storm with China in the Pacific, the provocations of the irrepressible Kim on the Korean Peninsula, etc. a.

In the meantime, it is also in the final phase of the crucial pre-election period for the White House. Therefore, Greek-Turkish languages ​​- especially at this stage – are not among their priorities. And something else. Greece has no basic position and purpose to sabotage Turkey’s equipment. Our country is properly equipped and seeks to improve our regional, Mediterranean and NATO position. And additionally in 2-3 months he will be a non-permanent member of the SA. UN. I personally haven’t seen the rabble-rousing pro-Russians, etc. to be placed with arguments on the issues of our armaments, on the very right support in Ukraine, on Russian propaganda and disinformation in the Balkans and in our country.

They see nightmares

4 In conclusion, the government has seriously handled our armaments, the difficulties with the illegal movement of populations, the various maritime challenges, the extension to the Ionian Sea of ​​the littoral zone, Edi Rama’s attitude, etc. Paraphilosophers constantly see nightmares and national retreats. Obviously, they have not realized the modern environment, the international political ramifications, the diversity of modern threats, etc. They get repetitive and tiresome. And, finally, if they have evidence of “fraudulent government compliance” or alternative proposals, to table them for discussion and internal constructive dialogue.



1 Dialogue only on maritime zones, continental shelf and EEZ, based on International Law and the Law of the Sea.


1 Challenging the extension of our national territorial waters to 12 nautical miles from the current 6 nautical miles. It is a legal right of Greece based on the 3rd Synod on the Law of the Sea.

2 Challenging the status of the Muslims of Western Thrace. They consider them (in violation of the Treaty of Lausanne) as Turks.

3 Questioning 152 Greek islets, microislets, rock islands in the Aegean. From the uninhabited Zourafa off Samothraki to the islets of the Megistis-Kastellorizo ​​complex.

4 Challenging the 10 nautical mile range of national airspace.

5 Challenging our legal right to fortify the islands of the northern Aegean and the Dodecanese. They demand their demilitarization.

6 Challenging the status of Gavdos Island in the Libyan Sea.

7 Even in the Cretan sea, they do not accept the extension to 12 nautical miles of our territorial waters.

8 Provocative promotion of the illegal Turkish-Libyan memorandum.

9 Non-acceptance of the legitimate muftis of Xanthi and Rodopi. They have appointed false muftis.

10 Challenging the status of the Imians.

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