Greek-Turkish: Is the… knot of talks reaching the comb for the delimitation of the continental shelf and EEZ? 2024-10-02 22:22:24

The Prime Minister’s speech at the General Assembly of the UN confirmed the strengthened position of Greece in the international political arena, while clearly setting the red lines in the Greek-Turkish dialogue and the Cyprus issue by directly responding to T. Erdogan, who raised the issue of recognizing the Occupied Cyprus and dividing it.

The Turkish president, who hurriedly left New York, without attending the last dinner hosted by the outgoing US president J. Biden (information says that T. Erdogan did not go to the dinner because the talks with the Americans did not go well at all, mainly about the F-35, but also about the F-16), received two “clear nos” from K. Mitsotakis.

However, T. Erdogan’s reference for the first time to international law as a basis for resolving the Greek-Turkish dispute (which remains one, the demarcation of maritime zones) creates an important pending matter.

Which was discussed at the meeting between K. Mitsotakis and T. Erdoğan and it is referred to its eventual utilization at the meeting that will be held in November in Athens by the Foreign Ministers of Greece and Turkey, Mr. Gerapetritis and Mr. Fidan. According to diplomatic sources, if two main issues are agreed upon in this meeting, then the Greek-Turkish dialogue can get to the core of the problem.

The conditions are for Turkey to fully recognize the International Court of Justice in The Hague, as well as the joint appeal to The Hague or the Hamburg Court, under whose jurisdiction the maritime zones fall. If white smoke comes out of the Gerapetritis-Fidan meeting, then at the Greece-Turkey Supreme Cooperation Council, which will take place in early 2025 in Ankara with the participation of K. Mitsotakis and T. Erdogan, the discussion will proceed to difficult times. The Greek side, in addition to the red lines, also holds a small basket for whether there can be a mutual understanding and a common basis of understanding, so that the green light can be given for the continuation.

The Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis in the Sunday update he referred to the meeting he had with the Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

“Greece is not even entering into the process of discussing the recognition of a pseudo-state, nor are we apparently weighing issues of sovereignty and sovereign rights,” said Mr. Mitsotakis, while as he said, there was an agreement “for closer cooperation in immigration and for a new meeting of the Supreme Cooperation Council at the beginning of 2025”.

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