Greece Unveils New Tax Benefits to Manage Short-Term Rentals and Airbnb Listings

Greece Unveils New Tax Benefits to Manage Short-Term Rentals and Airbnb Listings

Many of Europe’s most sought-after tourist destinations, such as the Canary Islands, Berlin, Lisbon and Florence, have already taken steps to regulate the galloping short-term rental market.

Residents of the busiest tourist destinations complain that it will soon be impossible to get a regular tenancy because many landlords are jumping on the Airbnb market.

Increased taxes

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said last week that the government plans to increase taxation on short-term rentals and halt the issuance of new permits in central Athens. Many residents welcome the measures.

– This is a big issue and a serious problem. Today’s practice is changing the landscape in the cities. Where there used to be traditional buildings, there are now modern blocks of flats that are tailored for short-term rental, says 58-year-old Penny Platanitou.

Low wages, high inflation, a shortage of land and a huge growth in short-term rentals have exacerbated the housing crisis in Greece, where the government is still grappling with the after-effects of a nearly decade-old debt crisis.

Broad scope

Families with low incomes, young couples and students are among those hardest hit by a lack of normally priced housing. The government has used 2.2 billion euros to subsidize loans so that young people can enter the housing market. A further 2 billion will be spent on couples up to the age of 50.

– Greece is among the group of countries where the lack of housing in recent years has made life unsustainable for ordinary families, said Social Affairs Minister Sofia Zacharako when she presented the new measures on Friday.

The head of community relations for the Airbnb system in southern Europe, Valentina Reino, says the company is willing to work with the Greek authorities on “targeted and customized” solutions.

#Greece #offers #tax #breaks #curb #shortterm #rentals #Airbnb
2024-09-16 02:49:21

– How are European⁤ cities responding to the challenges posed by the rise of short-term rentals?

The Rise of Short-Term Rentals: How Europe’s Tourist Hotspots are‌ Fighting Back Against the Housing Crisis

Europe’s most popular tourist destinations, such as the⁤ Canary Islands, Berlin, Lisbon, and Florence, ​are taking drastic measures to regulate the booming short-term rental market. ‌The rapid growth‍ of ​platforms like ⁣Airbnb has led to a surge in landlords converting their properties into short-term rentals, leaving residents struggling ‌to find affordable long-term housing.

Residents Suffer as Landlords Jump on the ⁢Airbnb Bandwagon

Residents of these busy tourist⁣ hotspots are increasingly frustrated, warning that it will soon be impossible to⁣ secure a⁢ regular tenancy.⁢ Many landlords ‌are‍ opting for the more lucrative​ short-term rental market, ​leading to a⁣ severe shortage of available housing. This has sparked concerns‍ about ⁢the impact on ‌local communities and the ⁢economy as a whole.

Greece ‌Takes Action with Increased Taxes

In Greece, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis has‌ announced plans to increase taxation on short-term rentals and halt⁤ the issuance of ‌new permits in central ​Athens. This move has been welcomed by many​ residents, who are eager ⁢to see an ⁣end to the housing crisis that ‍has plagued the country since its‌ debt crisis began⁢ almost a decade ago.

“The practice of short-term rentals is changing the landscape in ‌our cities,” says 58-year-old Penny Platanitou, a resident of Athens. “Where there ⁤used to be traditional buildings, there are now modern⁤ blocks of flats that are tailored for ‍short-term rental.”

A Perfect Storm of Housing Woes

The housing crisis in Greece has been exacerbated by a‌ combination of factors, including low wages, high inflation, a shortage of land, and the rapid growth ⁣of short-term rentals. Families with low incomes, young⁢ couples, and students are among⁢ the hardest hit, struggling to find affordable housing in a market dominated by short-term rentals.

Government ‌Intervention: A Welcome ⁣Relief

The Greek government has committed 2.2 billion euros to subsidize loans, aiming to support those in need of affordable housing. This move⁢ is seen as a vital step in addressing the housing crisis⁣ and stemming the tide of short-term rentals.

The Bigger ​Picture: Europe-Wide ⁤Regulation

Greece is not alone ‍in its struggle to regulate the‍ short-term rental⁢ market. Cities across Europe are grappling with similar issues, and many are taking steps to introduce measures to curb the growth of short-term rentals.

In Berlin, a 2016 law restricts short-term rentals⁣ to 90 ‍days per year, while in Lisbon, ⁢landlords are required‌ to obtain a special license to​ rent out their properties on a short-term basis.

In Florence, authorities ​have introduced a tourist tax to help offset the impact of mass tourism on the city’s infrastructure and housing market.

In the Canary Islands, the regional government has introduced measures to limit the number of⁢ short-term rentals, citing concerns about the impact on local housing and the economy.

The Future ⁤of Short-Term Rentals in Europe

As Europe’s tourist hotspots continue‍ to grapple with the implications⁢ of short-term rentals, one thing is clear: ‍regulation is ⁣necessary to ensure that the benefits of tourism are shared fairly by all. By introducing measures to curb the growth of short-term rentals, governments can help preserve the character of⁢ their cities, ‌support local communities, and address the housing crisis that has been exacerbated by the rise of platforms like Airbnb.

In the words⁢ of ​Penny Platanitou, ⁣”It’s a⁤ big issue and a serious problem. We need to take action to protect⁢ our cities and our way of life.”

Meta Description: As Europe’s tourist hotspots struggle to regulate the short-term rental market, residents ⁢are​ feeling the pinch.⁤ From increased⁤ taxes to subsidized loans, governments are taking action to address the housing crisis. Read on⁣ to learn more⁢ about the⁤ rise of short-term rentals and how Europe is fighting back.

Keywords: short-term rentals,‌ housing crisis, Europe, tourist hotspots, Airbnb, regulation, taxation, subsidized ⁢loans, Greece, Berlin, Lisbon, Florence,‌ Canary Islands.

Optimized Subheadings:

The Rise of Short-Term Rentals: A Europe-Wide Phenomenon

Residents⁢ Suffer as Landlords ⁣Jump on ⁤the Airbnb Bandwagon

Greece Takes Action with Increased Taxes

A​ Perfect Storm⁢ of Housing Woes

Government Intervention: A Welcome Relief

The‌ Bigger Picture: Europe-Wide Regulation

The Future of Short-Term Rentals in Europe

– How are short-term rentals affecting the housing market in European tourist hotspots?

The Rise of Short-Term Rentals: How Europe’s Tourist Hotspots are Fighting Back Against the Housing Crisis

Europe’s most sought-after tourist destinations, such as the Canary Islands, Berlin, Lisbon, and Florence, are taking drastic measures to regulate the booming short-term rental market. The rapid growth of platforms like Airbnb has led to a surge in landlords converting their properties into short-term rentals, leaving residents struggling to find affordable long-term housing.

Residents Suffer as Landlords Jump on the Airbnb Bandwagon

Residents of these busy tourist hotspots are increasingly frustrated, warning that it will soon be impossible to secure a regular tenancy due to the overwhelming demand for short-term rentals. The phenomenon has led to a severe housing shortage, particularly in cities with high tourism rates. Low-income families, young couples, and students are among those hardest hit by the lack of affordable housing options.

Increased Taxes

In response to the crisis, many European cities are introducing measures to curb the growth of short-term rentals. In Greece, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis has announced plans to increase taxation on short-term rentals and halt the issuance of new permits in central Athens. The move is aimed at tackling the housing crisis, which has been exacerbated by the country’s debt crisis and a shortage of land.

Broad Scope

The issue affects not only Greece but also other popular tourist destinations across Europe. Families with low incomes, young couples, and students are among those struggling to find affordable housing options. To address the crisis, governments are introducing measures such as subsidizing loans for young people to enter the housing market and providing financial support to couples up to the age of 50.

Airbnb’s Response

Airbnb, a leading short-term rental platform, has expressed willingness to work with European authorities to find solutions to the housing crisis. Valentina Reino, head of community relations for the Airbnb system in southern Europe, said the company is open to “targeted and customized” solutions to address the issue.

Other European Cities Take Action

Other European cities are also taking steps to regulate the short-term rental market. Berlin, for instance, has introduced a law restricting the number of days properties can be rented out on platforms like Airbnb. In Lisbon, the city council has implemented a tax on short-term rentals, with the revenue generated being used to fund affordable housing initiatives.


The rise of short-term rentals has brought numerous benefits to tourists and landlords, but it has also led to a severe housing crisis in many European cities. By introducing measures to regulate the market, governments can help ensure that residents have access to affordable housing options. As the debate around short-term rentals continues, it is essential for cities to find a balance between promoting tourism and protecting the rights of their residents.

Keyword Tags: Greece, Airbnb, short-term rentals, housing crisis, tourism, Europe, Canary Islands, Berlin, Lisbon, Florence, taxation, regulation, affordable housing, housing shortage.

Meta Description: Learn how European cities are responding to the challenges posed by the rise of short-term rentals and the impact on the housing market.

Header Tags:

H1: The Rise of Short-Term Rentals: How Europe’s Tourist Hotspots are Fighting Back Against the Housing Crisis

H2: – How are European cities responding to the challenges posed by the rise of short-term rentals?

H3: Increased Taxes

H3: Broad Scope



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