Greece Introduces Tax Breaks to Curb Short-Term Rentals and Airbnb Growth

Greece Introduces Tax Breaks to Curb Short-Term Rentals and Airbnb Growth

Many of Europe’s most sought-after tourist destinations, such as the Canary Islands, Berlin, Lisbon and Florence, have already taken steps to regulate the galloping short-term rental market.

Residents of the busiest tourist destinations complain that it will soon be impossible to get a regular tenancy because many landlords are jumping on the Airbnb market.

Increased taxes

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said last week that the government plans to increase taxation on short-term rentals and halt the issuance of new permits in central Athens. Many residents welcome the measures.

– This is a big issue and a serious problem. Today’s practice is changing the landscape in the cities. Where there used to be traditional buildings, there are now modern blocks of flats that are tailored for short-term rental, says 58-year-old Penny Platanitou.

Low wages, high inflation, a shortage of land and a huge growth in short-term rentals have exacerbated the housing crisis in Greece, where the government is still grappling with the after-effects of a nearly decade-old debt crisis.

Broad scope

Families with low incomes, young couples and students are among those hardest hit by a lack of normally priced housing. The government has used 2.2 billion euros to subsidize loans so that young people can enter the housing market. A further 2 billion will be spent on couples up to the age of 50.

– Greece is among the group of countries where the lack of housing in recent years has made life unsustainable for ordinary families, said Social Affairs Minister Sofia Zacharako when she presented the new measures on Friday.

The head of community relations for the Airbnb system in southern Europe, Valentina Reino, says the company is willing to work with the Greek authorities on “targeted and customized” solutions.

#Greece #offers #tax #breaks #curb #shortterm #rentals #Airbnb
2024-09-16 02:51:21

How is the rise of short-term ⁢rentals ‌affecting ‍housing affordability in ‌European tourist hotspots?⁣

The Rise of Short-Term Rentals: A Housing Crisis in European​ Tourist Hotspots

The⁤ allure of Europe’s ‍most popular tourist destinations, such as the Canary​ Islands, Berlin, Lisbon, ‍and Florence, has led to a ⁤surge in ​short-term rentals, ‌leaving locals‌ struggling to find affordable housing. The sweet benefits of renting out properties on​ platforms like⁣ Airbnb have tempted‌ many landlords to abandon traditional ‌long-term rentals, exacerbating the housing ​crisis in these areas.

Residents Feel ​the Pinch

Residents of these tourist ⁢hotspots are growing increasingly frustrated as they‌ find it ⁤challenging to secure a‌ regular⁤ tenancy. ⁣The‍ influx of short-term⁣ rentals has driven up prices, making it impossible ‌for locals to find⁢ affordable accommodations. “It will soon be impossible to get a regular tenancy because many​ landlords are jumping on the Airbnb market,” lament residents.

Government Intervention

In⁤ response ​to the crisis, governments are stepping in to regulate the⁣ short-term ⁣rental market. Greece, for instance, is​ taking measures to increase taxation on short-term rentals‍ and halt the issuance of ⁤new‌ permits in central Athens. Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis aims to curb the rising trend,‍ acknowledging ⁣that “today’s practice is ⁤changing ⁢the landscape in ​the cities.”‌ Residents like Penny Platanitou,⁢ 58, welcome the move, stating, “This is ​a ⁤big issue ⁣and a serious problem. Where there used ​to be ⁣traditional buildings, there are now modern blocks of flats that are tailored for short-term rental.”

Housing ⁣Crisis Worsens

The rise of short-term rentals in Greece⁢ has exacerbated⁤ the existing housing‍ crisis. Low wages, high inflation, a shortage of land, and⁣ the growth of short-term rentals have created a‍ perfect ​storm, making it difficult for families ⁤with low incomes, young couples, and students to find ⁢affordable housing. The government has invested 2.2 billion ‍euros in ​subsidizing loans to ⁤alleviate the crisis.

A Broader Problem

The issue is‍ not unique ⁤to ⁤Greece. Cities across Europe are grappling with⁣ the consequences of a thriving short-term rental market. Berlin, for example, has introduced regulations‌ to restrict the use of apartments for ⁣short-term rentals, while Lisbon has imposed a 23% tax on short-term rentals. Florence‍ has also introduced measures to limit the number of short-term rentals in the city center.

Tourism ⁢vs. Housing

The debate around ⁤short-term rentals has⁢ sparked a discussion about the balance between tourism and​ housing. While‍ tourism ‍is a vital ⁢contributor to ​local economies,⁢ it should not come ⁤at the expense of housing⁤ for permanent residents. Governments are recognizing the​ need‍ to strike a balance between the two, ensuring ⁤that the⁢ benefits of tourism ‍are shared fairly among⁤ all stakeholders.

Solutions Ahead

As cities struggle to cope with the consequences‍ of short-term⁣ rentals, innovative solutions are emerging. ‌From rent control​ measures to community-led housing initiatives,‍ there are various approaches being explored to address the housing crisis. By regulating ⁣the short-term rental market and‌ promoting sustainable tourism⁤ practices, governments can ensure that the ⁢benefits of tourism are shared ​equitably, while protecting the rights⁣ of residents to affordable housing.


The rise of short-term rentals⁢ in European tourist hotspots has led⁢ to a housing‍ crisis, leaving‌ locals struggling to⁢ find‌ affordable accommodations. Governments are responding with measures ​to regulate the market and promote sustainable tourism ⁤practices. As cities‌ search for solutions to this complex issue, one thing is clear: the need to strike a balance between tourism ‍and housing is crucial to ensuring that the benefits of⁣ tourism are shared fairly⁢ among⁣ all stakeholders.

Keywords: Short-term rentals, housing ⁣crisis, tourism, European tourist hotspots, Airbnb,⁢ regulation, taxation, affordable housing, Greece,⁢ Berlin, Lisbon, Florence, government intervention, sustainable tourism ⁣practices.

Meta Description: The ⁣rise of short-term rentals in European tourist⁣ hotspots has led to ⁣a⁣ housing‍ crisis. Discover ⁢how governments are responding to‍ the issue‌ and what‍ solutions are emerging⁢ to address the problem.

Optimized Images: Short-term‍ rental apartments in Athens, Greece;⁢ Berlin cityscape with ⁢Airbnb logo; Lisbon streets with ⁢tourists; ⁤Florence city⁤ center with housing protest ‍signs.

How are short-term rentals affecting housing affordability in European tourist hotspots?

The Rise of Short-Term Rentals: A Housing Crisis in European Tourist Hotspots

The allure of Europe’s most popular tourist destinations, such as the Canary Islands, Berlin, Lisbon, and Florence, has led to a surge in short-term rentals, leaving locals struggling to find affordable housing. The sweet benefits of renting out properties on platforms like Airbnb have tempted many landlords to abandon traditional long-term rentals, exacerbating the housing crisis in these areas.

Increased Taxes

In response to the growing concern, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis of Greece has announced plans to increase taxation on short-term rentals and halt the issuance of new permits in central Athens. Many residents welcome the measures, as they believe that the current practice is changing the landscape of their cities. Traditional buildings are being replaced by modern blocks of flats tailored for short-term rental, pricing out locals from their own neighborhoods.

Broad Scope

The impact of short-term rentals goes beyond Greece, affecting many European tourist hotspots. Families with low incomes, young couples, and students are among those hardest hit by the lack of normally priced housing. Governments are struggling to find solutions to the crisis, with some offering tax breaks and subsidies to encourage landlords to offer long-term rentals.

In Greece, the government has allocated 2.2 billion euros to subsidize loans for young people to enter the housing market, and a further 2 billion euros will be spent on couples up to the age of 50. Social Affairs Minister Sofia Zacharako has acknowledged that Greece is among the countries where the lack of housing has made life unsustainable for ordinary families.

The Airbnb Effect

Airbnb, the popular short-term rental platform, has become a major player in the housing market. Valentina Reino, the head of community relations for Airbnb in southern Europe, has expressed the company’s willingness to work with authorities on “targeted and customized” solutions to address the housing crisis.

However, many residents and policymakers argue that Airbnb’s business model contributes to the problem, as it incentivizes landlords to prioritize short-term rentals over long-term ones. The company’s profitability has led to a proliferation of short-term rentals, making it difficult for locals to find affordable housing.

A Growing Concern

The rise of short-term rentals is not unique to Greece or Europe. Cities around the world, such as New York, San Francisco, and Tokyo, are grappling with the same issue. As the global trend towards short-term rentals continues to grow, it is essential for governments, policymakers, and stakeholders to work together to find solutions that balance the needs of tourists, landlords, and locals.

the rise of short-term rentals has become a major concern in European tourist hotspots, exacerbating the housing crisis and pricing out locals from their own neighborhoods. While increased taxation and subsidies may offer some relief, a more comprehensive approach is needed to address the root causes of the crisis and ensure that housing remains affordable and accessible to all.

Keyword Optimization:

Short-term rentals

Housing crisis

European tourist hotspots





Affordable housing



* Housing affordability

Meta Description:

The rise of short-term rentals is exacerbating the housing crisis in European tourist hotspots, making it difficult for locals to find affordable housing. Governments are responding with increased taxation and subsidies, but a more comprehensive approach is needed to address the root causes of the crisis.



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