Grażyna Bukowska is a television icon. She disappeared from the screen years ago

Grażyna Bukowska is a television icon. She disappeared from the screen years ago

Grażyna Bukowska is an icon of Polish television. She worked as a journalist and presenter. She was a role model for her colleagues from the industry, and a guarantee of quality and professionalism for viewers. The star disappeared from our TV sets many years ago. How did her fate turn out? The star talked about this on Dzień Dobry TVN in an interview with Mateusz Hładki.

Grażyna Bukowska – icon of Polish television

There are some media figures that are never forgotten. Grażyna Bukowska is undoubtedly one of them. Is the journalist considering returning to work on television? How does he feel in front of the camera?

I generally feel good in front of the camera, especially in good company, and Dzień Dobry TVN is great company. I feel good here. However, I have spent my whole life in the news and I don’t think I can still feel good in today’s news. Over the years, as a person matures, he or she does not want to rush so much, and in the news there is no chance to not rush, to get lost somewhere, to not keep up. It’s probably not really for me anymore, I think – admitted Bukowska.

In her free time, Grażyna likes to travel. She often visits Denmark because this country is close to her heart. Not only her sister lives there, but also her daughter.

– This is a fascinating country, although small, but very well organized. I’m sorry to say this, perhaps avoiding any comparisons, but this is a country that works. And it works to such an extent that in the small, very small town where my daughter lives, there is an unmanned chip shop and everyone manages somehow, including seniors. Life there is a bit different. I feel a bit of a shock every time I come back, because our problems, and even the problems of the big world, seem a little more distant from there, a little less painful, a little less shocking. This is a nice country to live in, said the journalist.

Career and life of Grażyna Bukowska

Although Grażyna Bukowska misses her daughter, she supports her career development abroad.

I’m glad she found her place there. She always says, because she doesn’t speak Danish very well yet, that she is a software engineer and gives the name of the company where she works. This is someone who codes and writes programs and applications. She’s such a computer geek and I think she’s one of three girls who do it in this company. I always tell her: “Julka, you have a great position, no one will throw you out, even to maintain the so-called diversity in the workplace,” said Mateusz Hładki’s interlocutor.

25 years ago, the star received one of the most prestigious Polish awards – Wiktor.

I had no idea that 25 years had already passed. I don’t even know if it’s polite, Mateusz, to remind me of it like that. I would argue a bit – said the guest of Dzień Dobry TVN jokingly. – It was a nice reward. I always laughed that I received this award for losing weight, because before I received it, I managed to lose a lot of weight. Since then I’ve managed to gain some weight back and so on. It’s really a great satisfaction to get Wiktor – Bukowska emphasized.

You can find the entire conversation in the video.

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Grażyna Bukowska: The Iconic Polish Journalist Who’s Still Got It!

Ah, Grażyna Bukowska! The name that echoes through the halls of Polish television like the sweet sound of a game show buzzer. You know, the one that says, “Sorry, not today, pal!” She’s not just a star; she’s a supernova in the universe of journalism. Let’s dive into her recent musings on Dzień Dobry TVN with our favorite presenter, Mateusz Hładki. Buckle up, we’re going for a ride!

Back in the Spotlight?

The big question on everyone’s lips (and I mean everyone except your awkward uncle who thinks he’s a meme expert) is: Will Grażyna grace our screens again? She’s spent years perfecting her craft, and now she’s weighing whether to plunge back into the chaotic whirlpool of news reporting.

“I generally feel good in front of the camera, especially in good company…” — Oh, isn’t she just a delight? But wait! Hold your applause because she’s got a caveat. She admits the fast-paced news cycle is like trying to chase a greased pig at a county fair — no chance for an old pro to catch her breath.

“Over the years, as a person matures, he or she does not want to rush so much…” Can we all just take a moment? Grażyna dropping wisdom bombs like these is exactly why she’s a household name. Maturity and camera flickering are like oil and water; they just don’t mix. She’s savvy enough to recognize when it’s time to hang up the microphone.

Life Behind the Scenes

But let’s face it, when you’ve spent decades in front of the camera, how do you adjust to life behind the lens? Grażyna has found solace in travel — a splendid escape from the hustle and bustle of news, where you can swap a chaotic newsroom for a tranquil chip shop in Denmark. Yes, you heard that right! An unmanned chip shop, where everyone surprisingly seems to manage — including seniors! We could use one of those for the journalists, I mean, who needs an actual boss anyway?

She describes Denmark as a country that “works.” A glowing review from a world-renowned journalist, folks! I can only imagine the scene: “Excuse me, Mr. Danish Prime Minister, could you tell us how you run a nation with such finesse?”

The Tender Side of Grażyna

Now, as much as we’re dazzled by her professional pursuits, let’s not forget the human side of Grażyna. She expresses a heartwarming pride for her daughter Julka, who’s off coding software like a Silicon Valley wizard. “She always says she’s a software engineer,” which in the world of Grażyna translates to: she’s probably got some serious IT skills. It’s like, “Mum, I may not be a household name, but give me a broken computer, and watch the sparks fly!”

The proud mama may joke that Julka is one of three girls in the company, but honestly, in a world where diversity is key, that’s a win in itself. Ladies on the move — watch out, the tech world is heating up!

Reflecting on Milestones

Turning back the clock, our heroine giggled over her prestigious Wiktor award from 25 years ago. “I had no idea that 25 years had already passed,” she quipped, probably thinking of all the hair products she’s bought since. Note to self: don’t mention age unless you’re prepared for the delightful, unexpected reactions! And look at this classic moment of self-deprecation: “I always laughed that I received this award for losing weight…” You can’t script this kind of humor!

Final Thoughts

As we ponder the enigmatic Grażyna Bukowska, we are left with one conclusion: She’s not just an icon; she’s an embodiment of wisdom, humor, and genuine human connection. Whether she’s in front of the camera or exploring Denmark’s unmanned chip shops, she continues to inspire a generation of journalists and viewers alike!

So, dear readers, tune into Dzień Dobry TVN and catch the full interview if you want more of this delightful candidness. Or simply visit for a brush-up on your Grażyna knowledge. And remember, life’s too short to take too seriously — unless you’re trying to grope for a mic while telling a joke!

Author: Justyna Piąsta



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