Graz region: yodeling queen with film team as guests at the Fuchsbartl-Banda

The Fuchsbartl-Banda celebrates its musical existence with fans and companions every year. This year, a Swiss TV crew even came to learn more regarding the band’s origins. But it was also regarding getting to know the tourist region.

GERMANFEISTRITZ. How rich in tradition and multifaceted is the Graz adventure region anyway? Locals know it, but to attract more tourists you need visuals. That’s probably what I thought too TV-Format Alpenwelle for the broadcast “Harmonica and yodel fun” and just walked by.

area in front of the lens

moderator Margret Almer regularly presents artists from the folk scene in Germany and abroad. This time, the woman from Hartberg and her team chose the Fuchsbartl-Banda to portray the “musical flagship of Styria” – as Almer calls the group. For “Harmonika und Jodelplausch”, the format that is also broadcast in Austria and Slovenia via TV Arena, a film team traveled to the region to celebrate the 36th anniversary of the Fuchsbartl-Banda on the history of its origin.

The film was shot in the Stübing open-air museum, in the Deutschfeistritz scythe factory or high up at the clock tower in Graz. Sylvia LoidoltChairwoman of the Graz Region Tourism Association, and Dieter Hardt-Stremayr from Graz Tourismus were invited as representatives of the region to chat regarding the highlights of the home of the Fuchsbartl-Banda.

authentic sound

The thoroughbred musicians of the Fuchsbartl-Banda know how to combine the authentic sound of Styrian folk music with a love of experimentation and the courage to try new things. They even played with hurdy-gurdy and bagpipes. The musicians Albin Wiesenhofer, Harald Sukic, Wolfgang Weingerl and Clemens Wiesenhofer know the area well as Deutschfeistritzer, Frohnleitner and Stiwoller and made the region more palatable to the Jodelkönigin Almer.

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