Gray Hair: Causes, Prevention, and Reversal – HomePanorama

2023-09-03 17:13:36

Gray hair is often a sign of the natural aging process. However, sometimes the color loss has other reasons that can be counteracted.

Frankfurt – Gray hair is part of life and especially of aging. For some, the natural process begins earlier, for others later. This can be genetic. Anyone who suddenly gets gray hair at a young age does not necessarily have to accept it. Because not every reason for hair color loss is natural. Among other things, a nutrient deficiency can be behind it. According to a new study, the hair can also be used to find out how high the risk of cardiovascular disease is.

Suddenly the first gray hairs: the color loss explained scientifically

“My hair is turning grey” – what does that actually mean? The pigment melanin gives our hair its color. It is made in pigment cells called melanocytes at the root of the hair. There are two different types of melanin. While eumelanin is responsible for black and brown hair colors, paomelanin provides red and golden tones. All colors in between are therefore a combination of the two types.

Gray hair is completely natural. In some cases, however, the color loss can be reversible. © Andrey Popov/ Panthermedia/ IMAGO

When melanin production is disrupted, the body has a harder time growing new hair that is our natural color. Roughly speaking, over the course of life, more and more stem cells on the scalp that produce melanocytes are missing. Fewer melanocytes mean less production of the color pigment melanin. Among other things, a team of researchers explained the scientific process in the science magazine „Nature“.

Hair turns gray: Stress can also be behind the loss of color

Instead, the hair becomes more and more colorless and initially appears gray, later white. The disruption in melanin production can have different reasons. Among other things, according to the research team, too much stress in everyday life can actually have a negative impact on the production of the pigment.

A other team of scientists even assumes that a color loss is reversible in such a case. In a study, for example, it was found in some people that as life becomes more relaxed, hair grows back at the root with its original color, even if it is already gray at the tip. However, the study was very small, with few subjects, so further investigations for definitive confirmation are lacking.

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A lack of nutrients can also be a possible cause of suddenly gray hair

Another reason for gray hair can be a lack of certain nutrients. Like the magazine Cosmos reported, a balanced diet is generally important for healthy hair. According to the magazine, anyone who wants to specifically support their stem cells on the scalp should pay particular attention to a number of vitamins and fatty acids. These could also help if you are already showing signs of gray hair.

Important nutrients for healthy hair include:

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid): Pantothenic acid is found in many foods. Liver, meat, whole grain products and legumes are particularly good suppliers.Vitamin B12: Found in some plant foods, but mostly in all animal foods. Examples are meat, fish, egg yolks, liver and dairy products.Vitamin D: Vitamin D can be obtained from food or sunlight. High-fat fish (salmon, herring, or mackerel) and egg yolks can be good sources. However, humans get most of their vitamin D intake from the sun.Omega-3 fatty acids: Found mainly in fish, linseed oil and rapeseed oil, as well as in linseed or walnuts.Source: Consumer Center

All of the nutrients mentioned could possibly counteract gray hair, so Cosmos further. Overall, however, they should be consumed in healthy amounts. The guidelines and consumption recommendations for adults with regard to food can be found, for example, on the website of the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment be read or on

Proper care is important for beautiful, healthy hair, no matter what color it is. Hair oil, for example, can help with dry hair.

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