Grand Pillar Celebration: A Dual Blessing Ceremony in Osterwitz Hosted by Association Viana Styria

The wide pillar in the local area was painstakingly revitalized by hand by the Viana Styria Association under chairman Karl Dudek. The rectangular shrine was now blessed by priest István Holló in the presence of Mayor Josef Wallner.

Gusty wind, a brisk four degrees and annoying rain showers: the conditions for Blessing ceremony of the renovated broad pillar last Saturday in Osterwitz were not exactly inviting. Nevertheless, a considerable number of interested people had gathered around the rectangular Wayside shrine gathered to celebrate the Mass led by Pastor István Holló “Every generation has left its mark,” the priest recalled the time over three hundred years. He thanked the owners and the club Styria Viana for the restoration of the monument. He particularly emphasized the fact that the building was equipped with a cross. “Through his death on the cross, Jesus created the fullness of life,” he described the cross as Sign of victory about death. After the song “Holy, holy, holy” by the wind ensemble of the Osterwitz music club, István Holló spoke the intercessions. In his Blessing prayer After saying the Lord’s Prayer together, he included all those present, all helpers and all people who pass by the broad pillar. In a short greeting, Viana Styria chairman thanked Karl Dudek the priest for the blessing ceremony. At the same time, he invited all guests to continue the ceremony at the courtyard Irmgard Mörth vulgo Pöschl to come.

Review of the renovation work

“We were looking for an old mine,” Karl Dudek said in his Rückblick to talk about the encounter with Irmgard Mörth and the “pile of stones” on her property. The “pile of stones” in question turned out to be a dilapidated monument, which – according to the association’s decision after intensive research – worthy of renovation After removing the vegetation and removing the surrounding trees, the Renovation work During the demolition, four heavily rotted wooden beams were found, which, according to a dendrochronological study by the University of Vienna, date back to the time a 1,700 This also made it possible to put the construction into chronological order. “We spent a total of 29 working days,” the chairman revealed, adding that the extensive renovation work was completed at the end of September 2023. He also referred to the Location of the Breitpfeiler. “At that time, the area was a busy industrial area that was divided into different lordships,” he confirmed the location in the former Pack lordship and the current district OsterwitzHe concluded by thanking the Irmgard Mörth family association, which not only supported all the restructuring steps, but also strongly supports hat.

Greetings from the Mayor

The former and now new location on the district borders of the Breitpfeiler spoke to Mayor Josef Wallner “They were connecting borders,” he recalled the industrially used Coral Alpine Area and the transition to neighboring Carinthia at the time. “We share a common history,” he said, congratulating the Viana Styria Association on the preservation and Revitalization of the wayside shrine and the awareness it generates among the population. “This promotes Community“, he thanked all the initiators, supporters and helpers of the project. Irmgard Mörth brought something no less community-building in her welcoming speech: “I thank everyone for coming and cordially invite you to a cozy Agape The friendly atmosphere in the outbuildings compared to the inhospitable outside conditions soon led to a lively Entertainment The drinks, soups and pastries further contributed to a relaxed atmosphere. “May this broad pillar,” says the Construction diary by Karl Dudek, “will clarify the history of Osterwitz and its surroundings for many generations to come.”

The steel cross was also sprinkled with holy water

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-⁤ What ‌is⁤ the significance​ of the broad pillar in ​Osterwitz’s history?

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic:

The Revitalization ​of a Local Landmark: The Broad Pillar in Osterwitz

The‍ small town of Osterwitz in⁤ Styria, Austria, has a rich history, and one of‍ its ⁢most cherished landmarks, the ⁣broad pillar, has been ⁢painstakingly revitalized by the Viana Styria Association under‍ the leadership of Chairman Karl Dudek. The rectangular shrine, which dates back to over three hundred years, was refurbished with great care and dedication, and its⁤ renovation was celebrated with a grand blessing ceremony.

A‌ Gusty Wind and Rain Showers Couldn’t Dampen the Spirits

Despite the ⁤challenging weather conditions, with gusty ⁢winds, a brisk ​four degrees, and ⁣annoying rain ⁢showers, a⁣ considerable number of interested people gathered around‍ the rectangular wayside shrine to celebrate the Mass led by Pastor István Holló.⁤ The ceremony marked the culmination of the extensive renovation work, ⁢which ​was completed at the ‌end of September 2023.

A ‍Sign of Victory⁤ over Death

During the Mass, Pastor Holló emphasized the significance of the ⁤cross, which was ‍installed on top of the pillar, as a sign ⁣of victory ​over ⁤death.⁣ He also thanked the owners and⁤ the ⁣Viana Styria‌ Association for their efforts in restoring the monument, which had been in a state‌ of disrepair for many years.

The Renovation Work: ​A Labor⁤ of Love

Karl⁣ Dudek, the chairman‌ of the Viana Styria Association, recounted the journey of discovery that led to the renovation of ‍the broad pillar. He said that they were initially searching for an old ‍mine, ‍but instead, they stumbled upon a dilapidated monument on Irmgard Mörth’s property.‌ After conducting intensive research, the association decided that the ‌monument was worthy of renovation. The renovation work, which spanned 29 ​working ⁢days, involved ‌removing the vegetation⁤ and surrounding trees, as well as replacing four heavily rotted wooden beams, which were found to date back to the​ 1700s.

A Historical Landmark in Osterwitz

The broad pillar is a significant landmark‌ in Osterwitz, ‌and its location in the former Pack lordship and the current district​ of Osterwitz makes it an ⁣important part of the town’s ‌history. The renovation of ⁣the monument is⁢ a testament⁢ to the efforts of the Viana Styria Association and the local community to preserve⁣ their cultural heritage.

Blessing Ceremony and ‌Celebration

The blessing ceremony was attended by ⁣Mayor Josef Wallner, ⁤and a wind ensemble from the Osterwitz music club performed the song⁢ “Holy, holy, holy.” After the ceremony, the guests were invited to continue the celebration at the courtyard of ‌Irmgard Mörth, also known as Pöschl.


The revitalization of the broad pillar⁢ in Osterwitz is a heartwarming story of community effort and dedication ‌to preserving cultural heritage. The Viana Styria ​Association, under the leadership of Karl Dudek, has done an outstanding job in restoring this historic landmark, and the blessing ceremony marked a significant milestone in this journey. As the monument stands tall and proud, it serves as ​a ⁣reminder of the rich ​history and cultural ⁤significance of⁣ Osterwitz.

Keywords: Viana Styria Association, ⁣Karl⁤ Dudek, Osterwitz, broad pillar, wayside ‍shrine, ⁣István Holló, blessing ceremony, renovation ⁢work, cultural heritage, Styria,‌ Austria.

Optimized Subheadings:

The Revitalization of a Local Landmark

A Gusty Wind and Rain Showers Couldn’t Dampen ⁢the Spirits

A ⁣Sign of Victory over Death

The Renovation ⁢Work: A⁤ Labor of Love

A⁣ Historical Landmark in Osterwitz

Blessing Ceremony and Celebration

* Conclusion

What is the historical significance of the broad pillar in Osterwitz?

The Revitalization of the Broad Pillar in Osterwitz: A Testament to Community and History

In the picturesque town of Osterwitz, a monumental symbol of faith and community has been painstakingly restored to its former glory. The broad pillar



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