Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising – Pre-Order Now for PS5, PS4, and PC | Official Announcement and Release Date

2023-08-08 06:04:56

Developed by Arc System Works and published by Cygames, the fighting game “Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising” (Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising) was announced at EVO held last week and will be launched on PS5, PS4 and PC Steam on November 30, 2023. A free version for playing some characters and online battles will also be released. “Grandblue Fantasy Versus: Rising” includes 28 characters from the previous game “Grandblue Fantasy Versus”, and the official announcement has added 4 participating characters. Including Niya (Nier, ニーア), one of the ten sages, Anila (Anila), the sheep god girl, Siegfried (ジークフリート), the dragon slayer, Grímnir (Grímnir, グリームニルル), the military god ). The combat system of this work is centered around the operation and esoteric scale, the operation is more modern/entry-level, and the single (combination) key nirvana cooldown penalty is removed, and there is no performance difference from the nirvana of input commands. In terms of esoteric arts, consumption gauges and powerful skills have been added to allow players to have more changes in the battle situation. For example, the “Ability+” enhanced version of the ultimate skill “Ultimate Ability”, the “Rising Strike” with the effect of breaking the defense, and the “Brave Counter” that can counterattack in the state of blocking/defense collapse have been added. The attack action is triggered by different key combinations (such as: arrow keys + O/△/□) to quickly launch, break the defense and hit the sprint attack “Dash Attack” that can be brought into a combo, and the combo derived “Triple Attack” that can defeat the defense Attack”. The online lobby “Online Lobby” this time allows players to fight and interact in the lobby with Q version characters. In addition, a new party battle mode “Grand Bruise Legend!” Multiplayer competition. According to the official announcement, the PS and Steam version online beta testing of “Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising” will start in the fall of 2023, providing online battles and cross-platform play. There will be a live broadcast at 19:00 on September 16, Taiwan time, further revealing the unpublished game information of “Grandblue Fantasy Versus: Rising” and “Grandblue Fantasy Relink”. #GBVSR #GBVS2023年AutumnにThe 2nd round βテストを実Shi Yuding desu!ロビーマッチ, Crossplay, Gurabatot!を包めたオンラインテストを行います.このほか、バトルに关するAdjustmentも定しております。 The Steam version of のテストも実いたしますので非非ごParticipate in ください! — GBVS/Granblue Fantasy Versus (@gbvs_official) August 6, 2023 9/16 (Saturday)に#GBVSR と#リリンクの信息をおけするInformation fan group の distribution が decision! In August, I released される両タイトルのまとめinformation のほか, new informationもおけけけですす.お楽しみに! Be sure to tune in on Sep 16 where we’ll be talking all about #GBVSR and #Relink! We’ll be recapping all of the info on both… — GBVS/Granblue Fantasy Versus (@gbvs_official  ) August 5, 2023 “Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising” is currently available for pre-order on the PS Store, and Steam can be added to the wishlist, divided into free, standard (NT$1,490) and deluxe version (NT$2,279). According to the official comparison table, the free version can play 4 characters, Grand Bruise Legend! , the first chapter of the story mode and online battles, but cannot customize the battle room and transfer saves. Compared with the standard version, the deluxe version can experience the game 72 hours earlier, and it also includes a variety of character models and DLC. The release date of “Granburu Fantaji-ヴァーサス-Raising-” will be decided on November 30, 2023! PlayStation™Store にて Reservation and payment are in progress! ▼PlayStation™Store #GBVS — GBVS/Granblue Fantasy Versus (@gbvs_official) August 7, 2023

#Grandblue #Fantasy #Rising #released #release #date #fighting #fully #evolved #play #fighting #games #4Gamers

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