Granada elects the Departmental Queen “Summer Love 2023”


Grenada, Nicaragua

By: Ulises Bustos Chavez

March 20, 2023

The four young women who were elected in the municipal stage, disputed on the night of Sunday, March 19, the crown of Departmental Queen “Summer Love 2023”.

Catwalks, modern dances and a spectacular stage full of lights, in addition to the charming light source, located on Paseo la Gran Sultana, graced the election and coronation of the Queen in the Department of Granada.

The contestants made their presentations on stage at different times, including when each of them highlighted the different tourist attractions that the department of Granada has.

In the end, the qualifying jury named Miss Isis Dayan Arias castillo, originally from the city of Granada, as Departmental Queen “Summer Love 2023”, as Departmental Queen “Summer Love 2023”.

The National Election of the Festival “Reinas Amor de Verano 2023”, will be held in Jinotepe-Carazo, on Saturday, March 25, according to the authorities.

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