Grafenegg Academy – The campus in the Grafenegger Schlosspark

Created on July 27, 2022 | 01:20

Reading time: 2 mins

Stays in Grafenegg for two weeks and gives concerts in the cloud tower on August 6th and 18th: the youth orchestra of Europe’s Union, in short: EUYO.

Nancy Horowitz

Bhe Sunday they were there, the 64 young musicians from 25 nations. For rehearsing, practicing, making music, giving concerts, in the afternoon, in the evening and at night. And with music from Johann Strauss to HK Gruber.

“With the Grafenegg Academy we launched a forward-looking program in 2018 that provides impetus, connects musicians from all over the world and supports them at the beginning of their careers,” agrees Grafenegg Managing Director Philipp Stein.

And the next young orchestra, that European Union Youth Orchestra? It’s been there since Monday, in the Grafenegger Schlosspark. Stay with his 111 musicians from all 27 EU countries until August 7th. And come back on August 18th for a final concert.

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