Grabois was heckled upon his return from a visit to the Pope and the police had to intervene


The opposition social leader was involved in a violent episode Juan Grabois upon arriving this morning at Ezeiza Airport from Rome, where he participated in a meeting led by Pope Francis. Passengers who were in the terminal insulted him and he reacted angrily, to the point that the Airport Security Police (PSA) had to intervene to prevent the incidents from escalating.

Several videos of the situation went viral on social media after dawn. In one of them, Grabois is seen struggling with four security agents and a member of his group who were trying to restrain him, while they shout at him: “Go to the Pope, you son of a bitch!”“thief”.

Outraged, the leader repeatedly responded: “Someone here tell me who I stole from! Lady, tell me who I stole from! Someone tell me who I stole from.” From the chorus of those heckling him, insults continued to rain down: “You stole from the poor”“You stole everything”, “You stole from all the Argentines, from everyone”. The police continued to use force to separate Grabois from the rest of the passengers and take him to the exit.

The violence continued on the sidewalk outside the airport, while Grabois waited for the vehicle to leave the scene. A group of people continued to insult him from a distance, behind an improvised police cordon.

“I didn’t steal from anyone,” shouted the leader, who was a presidential candidate for Unión por la Patria in the last elections. “Nobody voted for you, you bastard,” a man dressed in a white t-shirt told him. “You lied to the Pope, you scoundrel. You didn’t tell him the truth,” he insisted.

“Ignorant and cowardly,” Grabois responded. “I never get tired. I never get tired of fighting.” The police tied him by the arm to avoid a clash with his detractors, who gradually cleared the sidewalk. “What happened? Did they leave?” he said.

After 9 a.m., Grabois posted a message on his social media accounts to assert his position: “Keep trying. I will never be kicked out of any airport.”

Last year, Grabois had experienced another violent episode with a passerby who insulted him while filming him in a bar in Palermo, when he was having a drink with his father, the former Peronist leader Roberto “Pajarito” Grabois. It almost ended in a fight between the father and the man who insulted them.

On that occasion, Milei called Grabois to express his solidarity, according to the social leader himself.

Juan Grabois chose the social network X to make his statement after the tense episode: “The fascists always had the same strategy. They attack one among many to frighten everyone. The gorillas are the same. It is a sad and cowardly lifestyle. This is the civilian version of the police gassing a girl or beating a pensioner.”

Along the same lines, the social leader continued: “The problem is when we let ourselves be intimidated, we keep quiet, we don’t defend our comrades. That’s how they get emboldened and think they can do anything. Gas, club, lynch… They think that because they have money or power they can attack others, insult them, hurt them.” And he added: “I didn’t steal, I didn’t abuse any privilege, I didn’t hit a pensioner, I didn’t take bread from a child, I didn’t betray my convictions or my compatriots. Should I let them go? Should I bow my head and leave? Should I stop going to the supermarket or having a coffee? No way…”

“I have blood, I get angry, it’s true… but it’s not just fever. I am convinced that The worst strategy is to be intimidated. We must not let others be intimidated. We must always put up with the dirty tricks. That’s what I think. I don’t know if it pays, but that’s how I am. I’m sorry if I offended anyone unfairly. Thanks to all those who showed me their support. See you in the fight,” he concluded.

Grabois’ trip to Rome had a high political impact because of what happened on Friday inside the hall where the Pope received him and other leaders of social movements, convened under the motto “Planting a flag against dehumanization.”

There the Pope Francis He gave a strong speech, in which he staunchly defended social protest and criticized the government of Javier Milei – especially in relation to the anti-picket protocol and its lack of attention to retirees. Among other expressions of the pontiff, with Grabois located at his side, the following stood out:

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