Grabois calls for mobilization of San Cayetano: “This is an act of popular resistance”

2024-08-05 21:02:00

Juan Grabois call for mobilization Peace, bread, land, housing and jobs in San Cayetano: “This is an act of resistance by the people against the unfair dogma of society.” The appeal was made through social networks and published in ” AR magazine.

Leaders who were less active online last month called for joining the upcoming historic mobilization of San Cayetano Wednesday, August 7 The workers’ solidarity movement (UTEP, CGT, CTA-A and CTA-T) and human rights organizations organized under the slogan “Peace, bread, land, housing and jobs”. mobilization It will depart from Liniers at 8 a.m. and reach Plaza de Mayo at 12 p.m.. “This is an act of popular rebellion against the unjust dogmas of society,” Grabois said.

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“This year’s mobilization has special significance because this time we are not only facing a government that fails to fulfill its obligations and deprives rights; The government does this to fulfill an unjust doctrine and defend its doctrine by resorting to state repression,” Grabois noted in his article.

“Eight years ago, CTEP established Bread, Land, Housing and Work as a popular ritual of protest and reaffirmation of the right to peace. Inspired by the Governor’s call at San Cayetano Sanctuary for an end to the last military dictatorship, This mobilization combines the 3 Ts that Pope Francis has set up as new flags in his dialogue with social movements,” he continued.

Juan Grabois

“This proposition is simple, popular, humane and achievable: Children without bread, families without roofs, farmers without land, workers without rights, Argentina without peace”, explained the lawyer, adding: “This has nothing to do with political partisanship, but rather with the following beliefs: It is unethical for some people to not have their basic needs met Do they have the skills required by the exclusionary system to serve its Darwinian logic. “Our popular activists share this belief with ordinary people, and we know it is part of the collective unconscious of most Argentines.”

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Regarding the president, he stressed that “he upholds the sacred dogma of the greedy market more firmly than those of us who preach basic humanism. However, from time to time he gets scared and recoils in court or on the street, which shows in his behavior it is wrong.

“An example of this is the ‘bread war’ of the social movement, the labor legislative protection of the labor movement and the educational march of the university movement. In these three cases, neither dogma nor sophistry was able to distort the interests of the state. Conscience against them Yelling “son of a bitch” Those who feed the poor, restrict labor rights, or destroy public universities”, concludes Grabois.

Dar confirms being involved in mobilization

Trade Union Leader, CGT Co-Chair Hector Dahl He also called for a march in San Cayetano on Wednesday. “Our commitment is to all workers, to those who are fortunate enough to work in the formal sector and those who are unfortunate enough to work in the informal sector and have to struggle every day to make ends meet,” Dar told a joint press conference here. The speech was delivered on Monday at its headquarters on Azzopardo Street.


#Grabois #calls #mobilization #San #Cayetano #act #popular #resistance



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