Government We Do It Better is accountable: works and social welfare, Cesar’s commitment to close the poverty gap

Valledupar, July 14, 2022. The Development Plan We Do It Better 2020-2023 advances, bringing progress to all corners of Cesar, with investments represented in projects, works and social welfare programs that increasingly close the poverty gap in this department.

Large bets on education, roads, health, basic sanitation, culture and sports, among other sectors, are part of the most ambitious plan to guarantee development, economic reactivation and prosperity for the more than one million inhabitants in this territory.

“This is a positive balance. We still have a year and a half left in government in which we will continue to formulate and implement high-impact projects for the department of Cesar,” said Governor (e) Andrés Meza.

The Educational Infrastructure Plan, with a historic investment of 400 billion pesos, ensures not only quality but coverage and modern buildings that dignify the learning of boys, girls and young people, with the construction of 376 new classrooms in the 25 municipalities, surpassing the deficit of classrooms in the department by 58%.

“The governor broke in two the way of thinking regarding education, because only with education can we guarantee a better quality of life for our boys and girls,” said Professor Antonio ‘Toño’ Villamizar, a teacher in Valledupar.

And with an investment of 600 billion pesos, the roads to progress continue to be built throughout Cesar, leaving behind 300 kilometers of backwardness and oblivion, facilitating mobility, security, tourism and reactivation of the countryside, allowing producers take their crops to the cities, in addition to connecting the rural branches with the national trunk lines. This is the Road Plan from the urban to the rural, which breaks down the obstacles of difficult access to the territories and generates well-being.

Precisely, one of the moments that made up this Public Accountability Hearing was the delivery of letter checks to the mayors of the municipalities in which the Road Plan will be executed.

“Today the district of Palenquillo will not be the only one to benefit, but also the villages of El Progreso, Palmares, El Cedro, Andia and Cinital. The governor promised it and fulfilled it,” said Óscar Pinzón, community leader spokesperson for the Palenquillo corregimiento, municipality of Gamarra.

In this government, Cesar lives the water revolution, overcoming basic needs for many years in terms of aqueduct and sewage from north to south and from east to west. More coverage, quality and frequency in the supply of drinking water has been achieved with this plan that is executed with large basic sanitation projects, positively impacting 12 municipalities with an investment of more than 153 billion pesos.

Recreation and sports are also an important part of the We Do It Better Development Plan, which is how the departmental government allocated 200 billion pesos for the construction of modern stages that allowed Cesar to rise to the level of international events such as the recently finished XIX Bolivarian Games, in addition to promoting healthy recreation and use of space and time for children and youth in the department.

“In terms of infrastructure, with these sports venues we have nothing to envy Antioquia, Valle, and I must say that we are at the same level as other countries,” said the Olympic medalist Óscar Muñoz.

And paying tribute to the cultural richness of Cesar, the Government We Do It Better, builds the Cultural Center of Vallenata Music, a majestic work, of 138 billion pesos, which will become the temple for the safeguarding of the intangible heritage of the humanity as declared by Unesco to vallenato.

To ensure that investments reach all corners of Cesar, the Government We Do It Better formulated the Dispersion Plan, which will allow works to reach rural population centers where nearly 311,000 people live, who will benefit from projects that exceed 60 billion pesos, ensuring the construction of children’s and bio-healthy parks, sports venues, optimization of aqueducts and sewers, natural gas, among others.

The departmental administration has also dedicated itself to the recovery of the social fabric and economic reactivation of entire towns, such as the Saloa Comprehensive Plan, where with an investment of 31,500 million pesos, the inhabitants of this township on the shores of the Zapatosa swamp now have a better standard of living.

In this way, the Government of Cesar, in the period 2020-2023, for which Governor Luis Alberto Monsalvo was elected by popular will, meets the goals contemplated in the Development Plan We Do It Better.



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