Government Warnings & Citizen Preparedness: The Impact of Russian Attack Plans on Germany

2024-01-29 21:51:35

The traffic light government’s warnings about Vladimir Putin’s possible attack plans are having an effect!

In the BILD interview last week, Defense Minister Boris Pistorius (63, SPD) warned of the risk of war in the medium term. The minister said: “We are coming from 30 years of peace, 30 years of peace dividend from which we have all benefited. And now the journey goes in the other direction.”

He is not alone in this concern: According to an INSA survey for BILD (1001 participants), a possible Russian attack on Germany worries 46 percent of those surveyed (not worried: 44 percent, rest: no answer).

Surprising: Left-wing voters are most concerned at 55 percent and CDU voters at 54 percent. Sympathizers from the Wagenknecht party and the AfD see the least risk of war.

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There have recently been calls to build up private supplies in the event of war in Sweden and Norway, among others. In Germany, according to the INSA survey, 39 percent have done this to date. So far, 56 percent have decided against emergency supplies.

The Federal Office for Disaster Relief and Civil Protection (BBK) has long recommended a supply of food, water, hygiene products, first aid kits and simple camping equipment.

Explosive: Only one in six respondents in the survey said they knew where they could find protection in the event of an attack (e.g. rockets). Probably mainly because of the almost 600 remaining air raid shelters in this country, NOT A SINGLE one is currently ready for use.

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The maintenance of the bunkers ended in 2007 when the federal and state governments decided to end the “functional maintenance of public shelters”.

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