Government uses project awarded last year as part of a campaign promise – 2024-07-27 14:22:45

The Ministry of Communications, Infrastructure and Housing (CIV) announced this Friday, July 26, the construction of a stretch of highway that connects San Antonio Ilotenango, Quiché, with Santa Lucía La Reforma, Totonicapán, which, according to the Private Secretariat of the Presidency, will be part of the “Avenues for Good Living” project, a campaign promise of President Bernardo Arévalo.

However, this is not a new construction, as the road already exists, but it is a dirt road and, according to the Guatecompras portal, the project was awarded in June of last year under the administration of President Alejandro Giammattei.

For the paving and improvement of the section, the State will pay Q61 million 300 thousand to the company Prodica, according to the contract signed by Luis Gabriel Jo Lau, former director of Roads.

Last April, the then Minister of Communications, Jazmín de La Vega, denounced Jo Lau for the crimes of abuse of authority, failure to fulfill duties and collusion, since in a press conference, she pointed out irregularities in the usufruct of land on the Palín – Escuintla highway.

The Private Secretariat of the Presidency explained to Noticiero Guatevisión that the road section does not represent the inauguration of the “Avenues for Good Living” program because the technical bases of the same are still being worked on, but it will be part of it, despite the fact that it was awarded in the Giammattei administration.

President Arévalo’s rural roads project, as proposed during his campaign, consists of 1,500 new and improved kilometers of roads in the country’s road network.

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