Government sources: We will leave Stefanos Kasselakis alone in this descent of vulgarity

Peloponnese Newsroom

Government sources respond to Stefanos Kasselakis’ new attack on the civil protection system in the country.

As the government sources state, “for all the baseless accusations and gross lies of Mr. Kasselakis we have responded with detailed information and concrete actions. Every year we focus our efforts to improve the civil protection system and there is much more to be done to meet the increasingly difficult challenges of climate change. That is why we have increased the number of firefighters and aerial firefighting vehicles like never before, while our effort continues based on integrated policies for a modern civil protection system.”

And they go on to say that “one thing’s for sure, the last thing we need is a roving influencer who goes so far as to target scientists, journalists, and firefighters, smearing them as ‘getting them’ because he doesn’t like what they report.” We will leave him alone in this descent of vulgarity.”

The post Kasselakis

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According to iefimerida, Stefanos Kasselakis previously posted a video in which he claims that “the government has absorbed only 1% of the funds of the Recovery Fund and that in five years the most land in the history of the country has been burned.”

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#Government #sources #leave #Stefanos #Kasselakis #descent #vulgarity



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