Government: Reshuffle on stand by

Those who cannot keep up with the speed of the TGV will stay on the platform.

The ministers touch wood not to be carried away by the wind of reshuffle expected after the official launch of the 2023 reforestation campaign planned in Seranandavitra, rural commune of Ilaka Est, district of Vatomandry.

Election year

It has been 10 months, almost to the day, that the fourth government led by Christian Ntsay has been in place. A longevity record, so to speak, compared to the previous cabinet which was reorganized after exactly 7 months and 1 day, following a series of evaluations which had resulted in the renewal of 10 ministers and the appointment of 22 new recruits. The time of the summer transfer window has come in turn for the 32 members of the government who will not all find clubs to take over at the level of the Interministerial Association for the Maintenance of Civil Servants (ASIEF) which excludes ECDs and players dismissed. This is the case of the ministers dismissed for not having fulfilled the program contract. Furthermore, “in this election year during which we will have to be very careful”, reminded the Head of State to the staff of the Presidency and to the members of the government, on the occasion of the recent presentation of wishes to the presidential couple.

“coat changer”

The Iavoloha tenant even had to add that “some could let themselves be seduced by the siren song and join the adversary’s camp”. Remarks which are addressed in particular to the future fallen and disappointed members of the government who would be tempted to return their jacket. For the moment, the chameleon ministers or “coat changer” will be able to keep their orange T-shirts because “there is no question of a reshuffle so far”, we say in high places. In other words, the rework is on standby. Waiting for the desired or propitious time to do so. In all likelihood, this will not happen before the official launch of the 2023 reforestation campaign initially scheduled for the day after tomorrow before being postponed for January 28. Because of weather conditions, in general, and cyclonic activities, in particular. But the cyclone of the reshuffle is also looming on the horizon, even if we don’t yet know when it will make landfall and sweep away in its path certain ministers who then risk having a…depression.

Wait-and-see climate

In any case, the reshuffle of the government cannot wait too long since the electoral deadline is approaching slowly and surely. The less quickly the change of ministers takes place, the more the wait-and-see climate in the various ministerial departments will go crescendo, impacting the regular functioning of public services. Often collateral victims of the dismissals or appointments (it depends) of members of the government, the CEOs and other directors are waiting. Feeling the tide turn in this hurricane season, some managers are even taking advantage of the little time they have left to capitalize on it. While not excluding the possibility of joining the camp opposite, as the TGV suspects, which has seen many “train trapper” between 2009 and 2018. “It allowed me to get to know certain mentalities and practices,” he remarked at the start of his term. A finding that remains valid at the start of a second five-year term.


The article Government: Reshuffle on stand by first appeared on Midi Madagasikara.

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