Government officials for eavesdropping: The case is in the Court – 2024-07-28 16:34:00

Government officials for eavesdropping: The case is in the Court
 – 2024-07-28 16:34:00

Stefanos Kasselakis and Nikos Androulakis launched an attack against the government on the occasion of a publication about the wiretapping.

Government officials commenting on the president’s announcements SYRIZA and its president PASOK regarding today’s publication on the wiretapping case, they stress that the case is in the Justice Department.

It is noted that Nikos Androulakis announced that he appealed again to the European Court of Human Rights.

Androulakis: The parastatus that was set up in the Maximos Palace will be revealed

“Inside Story’s journalistic investigation revealed the EYP-Predator joint monitoring center, which for two years the government has been trying to “cover up” with a series of anti-institutional and obvious interventions.

The parastatal that was set up in the Maximos Palace will be revealed, despite the desperate efforts of Mr. Mitsotakis,” said the president of PASOK-Movement for Change, Nikos Androulakis and added:

“I took all the legal initiatives, which the other politicians did not do, who were proven “targets” and should explain the reasons to the citizens.

According to iefimerida, after the refusal of the EYP to comply with the decision of the CoE, I appealed again yesterday to the European Court of Human Rights. This time asking for the decision of the highest court of our country to be fully and irrevocably implemented in order to receive in writing the formal reasons for my illegal surveillance.”

“It is unthinkable after 50 years of undisturbed democracy that such serious issues of complete discrediting of institutions, degradation of the rule of law and human rights are raised, exposing our country to the international community,” the president of PASOK-Movement for Change emphasized.

Kasselakis: Today the common surveillance targets of Predator and EYP were revealed

In today’s post, Stefanos Kasselakis, on the occasion of the publication of Inside Story, states that “today the common surveillance targets of Predator and EYP were revealed”.

The post of the president of SYRIZA

Today, the joint targets of Predator and EYP surveillance were revealed.
A single monitoring center based in Maximos was operating uncontrollably.
With the Mitsotakis family at the center.
That should have been the first issue everywhere.
But of course, for the “First Topic” it is not even news.
What’s the point of journalism when you’ve been given €26 million from your loans?
A real shame.

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