Government of the State of Morelos – Government of the State of Morelos

In order to protect the population of Morelos during the cold season, the Ministry of Health officially launched the “2024-2025 winter season vaccination campaign” in the “Antonio Tlaxcoapan” auditorium in the municipality of Jojutla.

The Secretary of Health, Mario Ocampo Ocampo reported that the vaccination will be against seasonal influenza and COVID-19, two respiratory diseases that are preventable.

In this winter season, 602,665 doses of seasonal influenza vaccine are scheduled to be applied sectorally, which is aimed mainly at the population under five years of age, pregnant women, adults over 60 years of age and health personnel, as well as women. and men with risk factors or with any comorbidity from 05 to 59 years.

Regarding the vaccine against COVID-19, he explained that it is aimed at the population from five years of age, healthy or with some comorbidity who have not received immunization for this disease, and a booster, if they have at least 12 months after a dose has been applied, it is aimed at pregnant women, adults over 60 years of age, health personnel, as well as the population between 18 and 59 years of age who have any comorbidity.

For her part, Jacqueline Hernández Ruiz, general director of Health Services of Morelos (SSM), expressed that, in the face of manifestations such as fever, headache, general malaise, dry cough, sore throat and rhinitis, the population is urged not to self-medicate. and go to the nearest health unit.

Due to the arrival of a winter with low temperatures, given the extreme climate changes that have been observed and recorded over the course of this year, the population is asked to prevent health damage at this time, mainly to the most vulnerable. , through safe and free vaccines like those mentioned above.

It should be noted that the biologicals will be applied by SSM authorities, the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), IMSS Bienestar and the Institute of Security and Social Services of State Workers (ISSSTE), making this campaign successful together in the state of Morelos.

Winter Vaccination Campaign in Morelos: A Sharp Take

Well, hold onto your hats, folks, because the Mexican Ministry of Health has just launched the “2024-2025 winter season vaccination campaign” in Jojutla, and I must say, there’s nothing quite like kicking off the cold season with a bit of needlework! They’ve chosen the ‘Antonio Tlaxcoapan’ auditorium for this momentous occasion—because nothing says ‘let’s get jabbed’ like an auditorium named after, well, something that sounds vaguely dignified and could probably host a fancy tea party.

Mario Ocampo Ocampo, the Secretary of Health (and I’m not sure why his name sounds like a character from a telenovela), announced that this campaign aims to combat two notorious party crashers of the respiratory variety: seasonal influenza and COVID-19. Yes, folks, it’s like that old saying goes, “If you can’t beat them, jab them!” But fret not, the vaccines are safe, and they’re free! You know, kind of like that friend who crashes on your couch but you still let them in because, well, they’ll probably do your laundry afterward.

This winter, the plan is to administer a whopping 602,665 doses of the seasonal flu vaccine. That’s quite a number! More people getting vaccinated than there are people watching the latest “Over-the-Top” Netflix series. This effort is aimed primarily at vulnerable groups: children under five (because let’s face it, they’re cute but they spread germs like confetti), pregnant women (who, I can assure you, have enough on their plates without worrying about the flu), and adults over 60 (the wise elder statesmen of our society who could probably teach us a thing or two about managing life’s curveballs).

Now let’s talk about the COVID-19 vaccine. It’s like the older sibling at a family reunion that nobody really wants to talk to but feels obligated to acknowledge. Vaccination is open to everyone five and older—because why limit the fun to just those who can legally order their own drinks? And just a reminder, if it’s been a year since your last shot, time to roll up those sleeves for a booster, especially if you fall into the high-risk categories. You don’t want to be the person showing up at a party uninvited, do you?

Jacqueline Hernández Ruiz, the general director of Health Services in Morelos, had a few words of wisdom as well, urging those who experience symptoms like fever, malaise, or that delightful concoction of dry cough and sore throat to avoid the temptation of self-medication. Doctors, folks! They went to school for this stuff, unlike your mate who thinks they’re a medical expert after binge-watching an entire season of “House.”

As winter’s chill sets in, we’re not quite ready to throw in the towel and surrender to the seasonal sniffles. Climate change has made this year a bit unpredictable, and a winter with sharp drops in temperature doesn’t exactly win awards for global warming. The priority is to protect the most vulnerable—essentially anyone who might get taken out by the simplest of viral intruders. Safe and free vaccines are now available and should be embraced faster than you can say “sick day.”

Just to put the icing on the cake, the vaccines will be administered by a squad of health authorities, including SSM, IMSS, and ISSSTE. It’s like the health Avengers, coming together to save the day—only with fewer capes and more syringes. Together, they can make this winter vaccination campaign as successful as a viral TikTok dance, at least in Morelos!

So, folks, get vaccinated, stay informed, and remember: it’s difficult to sneeze with your elbows, but those vaccines sure make it easier to avoid a bout of the winter flu! Stay healthy!



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