Government of Chile condemned the terrorist acts perpetrated in recent days in Israel

The Government of President Gabriel Boric came out this Thursday to condemn the terrorist acts that have occurred in recent days in Israel that have claimed the lives of 11 people.

Through a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Government deplored “all acts of violence regardless of where they come from and calls for containment and to avoid the adoption of measures that exacerbate the mood and the climate of violence, especially in the context of the religious festivities that are approaching”.

“Chile conveys its solidarity to the people of Israel and the families of the victims, and reiterates its condemnation of any act that violates international law and international humanitarian law, while invites to strengthen political dialogue as a means to achieve peace“, concludes the statement.

Israel has been the scene in the last days of three attacks that have left 11 dead and that have put the security forces on high alert.

It has been more than a decade since so many deaths have been recorded in such a short time as a result of attacks in Israel, which on this occasion have been condemned by both the country’s authorities and the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbaswhile they have been celebrated by the Islamist factions that control Gaza.

The most recent attack took place yesterday in the ultra-Orthodox city of Bnei Brakwhere a Palestinian shot dead five people.

The last Sunday, two Arab-Israelis killed two Policemen in the northern city of Haderaand last week, a Bedouin from a village near the southern city of Beersheva killed four civilians In this city.

Both attacks were claimed by the Islamic State terrorist group. (EI), which has not happened so far in relation to yesterday’s shooting.

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