Government continuously supplies drinking water to native communities in Chaco

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The Government, through Operation “Y Jeroja II”, sent a convoy of 29 trucks on Wednesday to transport another 425,000 liters of drinking water for the native communities of the Paraguayan Chaco. The vital liquid will reach the area of ​​Tte. Irala Fernández, department of Presidente Hayes, and the distribution of water in the Western region will continue for as long as necessary, the authorities stressed.

The trucks left Asunción and this operation is being carried out in cooperation with the Ministry of National Defense, National Emergency Secretariat, Armed Forces, Petropar, Essap, Senacsa, Itaipú Binacional and National Police, in cooperation with the private sector.

The National Emergency Secretariat is also continuing to distribute food kits and the supplies will reach all indigenous communities. The head, Arsenio Zárate, had reported that 27,000 food kits will be distributed.

98% of indigenous communities are located in the departments of Presidente Hayes and Boquerón, and approximately 2% in Alto Paraguay. Nearly 13,000 indigenous families live in Boquerón and almost 12,500 in Presidente Hayes, while in Alto Paraguay 2,200 families are being assisted with food supplies, reported the SEN.

#Government #continuously #supplies #drinking #water #native #communities #Chaco
2024-08-22 17:48:10



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