Government commits to phasing out Russian gas

In it, as pushed by the Greens, the aim is to phase out Russian natural gas supplies by 2027, as “Kurier” and Ö1’s “Mittagsjournal” reported on Saturday. However, a strategy for this has yet to be developed. In any case, the new security strategy should soon be finalized.

The ÖVP and the Greens have been negotiating this for a long time. The security doctrine needs to be renewed, among other things, because Russia is still named as a strategic partner in the current version. Movement in the negotiations was recently expected after the Greens finally agreed to the nomination of Finance Minister Magnus Brunner (ÖVP) as the new EU Commissioner. Both governing parties said on Saturday that the security strategy was still being negotiated in the final stages.

Protection against price and supply risks

The agreement on the energy chapter was not officially confirmed, but only under the table. “In accordance with the decisions of the European Council, Austria wants to end its dependence on Russian energy imports in order to protect the economy and households from new price and supply risks,” the “Kurier” online quoted from the relevant paper.

The President of the European Commission has committed to the goal of a Europe-wide phase-out of Russian natural gas supplies by 2027. “Austria is also committed to these goals. The phase-out of Russian gas should take place as part of an overall strategy for the transformation of the energy system, which takes decarbonization, security of supply and affordability for households, businesses and industry into account equally. Particular attention must be paid to ensuring that households and businesses are given the best possible support in this change,” it says. The coalition does not yet have a concrete plan to achieve the goal.



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