Government approves energy plan to get through winter and help neighboring countries

The government approved a plan on Friday that should enable the country to get through the winter without any energy problems and show solidarity with its neighbours, announced Prime Minister Alexander De Croo and Minister of Energy, Tinne Van der Straeten, during a press conference.

The two ministers assured that the country’s supply would not be compromised. Belgium enjoys a particularly advantageous position in terms of gas supply, very little dependent on Russia. Most of the gas comes from Norway – the Prime Minister will go there at the end of August – and from Great Britain, and the Zeebrugge terminal occupies a central place in the import and export of liquefied gas .

Unprecedented uncertainty

The uncertainty hanging over the coming winter is nevertheless unprecedented due to the war in Ukraine and the current unavailability of part of the French nuclear fleet. What’s more, if the prospects for Belgium are rather reassuring, the same is not true for all its neighbours, in particular Germany, which is particularly dependent on Russian gas.

If we can help the German economy, it is in our interest, because we avoid a general slowdown in the economy in Europe“, a souligné Tinne Van der Straeten.

Among the actions launched in the short term is the request to energy production companies to keep their capacity ready to the maximum and to avoid, for example, maintenance during the winter. A request addressed to Engie Electrabel is more unexpected.



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